Danica Patrick : Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

And a damn good driver. I had lost interest in Indy car racing until she came along.

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Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

Correction: you mean the accident (among about 8 in that race) that kept her from maintaining 7th position, not first place.

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Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

One thing everyone's failed to mention so far : car racing sucks.

Teh UN shud speek everthin in lolcat. Dat wud be lulz.

Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

One thing everyone's failed to mention so far : car racing sucks.

watching it aint that great (but i still prefer F1 type of racing over Nascar myself overall because you have to slow down and speed up and take left and right turns instead of a constant circle like in Nascar) but actually DRIVING is a major rush. a adrenaline rush is one of the best feelings on planet earth in my opinion. going fast on a fast mortorcycle is just a great feeling that makes you feel ALIVE ;)

if that's not in your blood then you wont understand what im saying.

My Vote History http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=11026826

Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

yeah, i know what you're saying, having able to drive a car really fast without the need to step on the brake or slowing down is pricelss

Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

She's a cutie. Nascar is boring

Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

by - m-slovak79 on Tue May 26 2009 23:54:34

watching it aint that great (but i still prefer F1 type of racing over Nascar myself overall because you have to slow down and speed up and take left and right turns instead of a constant circle like in Nascar) but actually DRIVING is a major rush. a adrenaline rush is one of the best feelings on planet earth in my opinion. going fast on a fast mortorcycle is just a great feeling that makes you feel ALIVE ;)

if that's not in your blood then you wont understand what im saying.

You don't understand what it means that the spectacle of car racing sucks. Your def: "Oh boy, that person actually doing something is having fun! Man, this is a blast sitting here all afternoon watching somebody get an inner rush themselves while I do nothing!"

In conclusion: Car racing sux ballz and Danica can suck any part of me she wants.

I have 9 other accounts and like to agree / disagree with myself.

Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

I love her nice smooth kneecaps.


Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

She is ultra attractive. Yes, she is fabulous and a babe.

Alison Lohman for Supergirl

Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

LOL, Oh Good Grief!

Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!


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Re: Danica Patrick is a fabulous babe!!!

Danica is not used to being this close to the front…

Come on in, honey, over here on what the dagos call my sinister side.