Westworld : What about all the dead humans in Dolores' flashback?

What about all the dead humans in Dolores' flashback?

When she takes the elevator down to the lab under the church, we see a lot of dead humans there. Unless they are actually hosts. But if they were real humans, it seems weird we have not heard about the deaths yet.

Re: What about all the dead humans in Dolores' flashback?

Pretty sure they were hosts. Their clothes were western.

Re: What about all the dead humans in Dolores' flashback?

Their clothes were western.

Yes and since the incident was before the park opened, there were no guests present; anyone in western clothes was a host. Park staff-members wouldn't be in western clothes.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.

Re: What about all the dead humans in Dolores' flashback?

they were the hosts Teddy and Dolores had killed. Arnold was the only human fatality that we hear about. He was the 'critical failure".

'There's just a possibility that I will kiss a doorknob.'
Just call me Sleight

Re: What about all the dead humans in Dolores' flashback?

And they wouldn't be in proximity to Arnold anyway.