Nicola Peltz : Acting Lessons

Acting Lessons

Just saw The Last Airbender and she is PAINFULLY bad in it. I get that she's young, but someone please teach her to act.

Re: Acting Lessons

She's acting all monotone and held back like everyone else.

Re: Acting Lessons

Generally, when all actors in a movie are bad, especially when they are otherwise good in other films, it is the director's fault. A viewing of a Uwe Boll film (I don't actually recommend watching any of his work) will confirm this. Actors who are normally fine, even good, suddenly become monotone cardboard cut-outs.

The fact that pretty much ever1354y actor in this film strikes the audience as "bad," that's a clue that it is the guy who was helming the boat that steered it into the bridge. The same complaint was made about the cast of "The Happening."

It's a shame; M. Night used to know how to get a decent performance out of actors. (Sixth Sense) It's like he's been slowly unlearning how to be a good director and a good writer. He's become this self-absorbed all-knowing guy who can't take criticism.

I think of it as the "George Lucas Effect." When a writer/director starts out struggling hard, has to put in a ton of work and actually TRY to create a product anyone will have anything to do with, then he makes it huge, everybody starts telling him how awesome he is. He starts to believe it, tries less hard, his work quality drops, yet he is still convinced of his awesomeness. He becomes insulated from the actual world inside his own ego-bubble and loses connection to the audience. Heaven forbid anyone at this point say to his face, "Gee, Mr. Shyamalan, that's not really a very good script." (Remember the lady who got fired for saying the "Lady in the Water" script stank? Well, she was right!)

Re: Acting Lessons

You are 100% correct. She may or may not be a good actress but you can't judge her my this movie. Shyamalan deserves all of the blame for this movie, even the acting. Acting with a green screen is difficult for experienced actors and requires a good director with vision to get a good performance out of each person. Shyamalan did not do that. He was a perplexed by the green screen as they all were.

There is hope for Nicola, there is no hope for Shyamalan.

Re: Acting Lessons

The funny thing is, is that she was better than everyone else.

Zombie Nugget

Re: Acting Lessons

She was better but that's not saying much. At the start of the movie she was really bad but got better throughout it :)But yea I actually thought Dev was one of the better actorsplus he's kinda hot LOL

Re: Acting Lessons

exactly, as bad as she was, compared to that bald kid's performance, her acting deserves an oscar.

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Re: Acting Lessons

i may agree to some of your earlier points but bratty and selfish? thats questionable. can't generalize such things.

imo, because i dont know these people very well, is that they pick really good looking people to fill the part but who lacks talent. such as acting credibility.

it all boils down as well to how they were directed while shooting of course, but some of them are indeed plain bad at acting. nice to look at though. hence t1908here's the mute button. just kidding. that sounds rude.

but, you know hollywood or the media is sometimes mostly about aesthetics.

p.s. i havent seen nicola's acting so this comment isnt directed at her.

Re: Acting Lessons

it all boils down as well to how they were directed while shooting of course, but some of them are indeed plain bad at acting.

Sorry, I don't know how to do the quote thing on here.

Anyway, I have to agree with you on this point. There are very good actors like Dev Patel. Who, in spite of having a poor script, could still get to the heart of the character and provide a great show for the viewers (as a bonus, he doesn't sound like a selfish bratty actor. I read an interview online with him and he was just talking about how he wanted to keep his private life underwraps and that all he wanted to do was make good movies.) Then there are actors like Jackson Rathbone(or is it born?) who are usually pretty good at their roles, but because of the script he or she appears monotone and stiff or very different from the characters being portrayed. And finally, there are the ones who need more training, like Nicola Peltz. Now, this is coming from someone who has only seen her in one movie, and I suppose I should watch another one of her films before I really peg her as a "bad actress". But, if that's the case, then she should still be able to try to put on a good performance in spite of an unnecessarily suckish script.

Get what I'm saying?

Re: Acting Lessons

She DOES know how to act. As someone who has worked for her family, I can say that what you saw on the screen was NOT her personality, at all. She was absolutely hateful, stuck-up, arrogant and completely spoiled back in '08. I can suggest to any and all, to NEVER work close protection for her. Even her little twin brothers were demons. Only her older sister was halfway decent. That's the problem with the UBER-rich, for the most part, they "KNOW" that they're better than everyone else and QUITE willing to treat you like dirt.

"Outside of a dog, a book is Man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."

Re: Acting Lessons

can't say i'm an expert at acting, nor do I know her entire acting catalog, but it says a lot when they have you crying, on screen, in OVERSIZED SUNGLASSES.

Seriously, when that happened in Monday's Bates Motel episode, I bust out laughing and had to explain why, and that was precisely why. Obviously the director of the episode agrees with the original poster's opinion on her acting talent.

That being said, acting is a skill. With practice comes skill. Some are obviously better than others, and having her up against Freddie Highmore just makes it all the more obvious how much work she has left to do.

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Re: Acting Lessons

I think she did fine, and I personally liked the movie. lol

Re: Acting Lessons

..but, she is "an emerging force to be reckoned with". From her Bio.

Re: Acting Lessons

You could throw a stick on the IMDB and hit " Emerging force to be reckoned with" more often or not.

Its just PR

Its just Hollywood.

As an actor\actress your not going to have " Good looks, average acting" on your bio.

Correct, yes but hardly the stuff resumes are made of.
In a fair universe, we would all be better people.

Re: Acting Lessons

I thought that was the most hilarious thing. She is honestly just awful. Poor thing can not act to save her life