Katija Pevec : ethnicity?


I know she's from Hawaii, but that doesn't mean her parent's were from there as wellor is katija pevec a hawiian native name or what? From where and what are her true roots?

"To me, you're strange and you're beautiful
You turn every head but you don't see me"- Aqualung

Re: ethnicity?

katija kinda sounds russian or something or polish, so does her last name but i wouldn't know reallly, WILD guess

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Re: ethnicity?

She's probably russian.

"Piss Off."
"oh my God, I killed Harry Potter!!!"
-Neville Longbottom

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Re: ethnicity?

heh, pevec is a common slovenian last name. also katja (not katija) is a common first name in slovenia (as it is in germany, for instance).

her name isn't serbian at all but she may be a bit serbian slovene, born in hawaii :)

Re: ethnicity?

According to an Article in The toronto star, she is of Croatian, German and English extraction.

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Re: ethnicity?

I think she's middle eastern. She looks european. I have a friend who has a cousin who looks exactly like her. She is so gorgeous! Everyone go see Yours, Mine and Ours!

Re: ethnicity?

I think she's middle eastern. I have a friend who has a cousin who looks exactly like her. She is so gorgeous! Everyone go see Yours, Mine and Ours!

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Re: ethnicity?

Just to finally clear her ethnicity up i read it in the Croatian newspaper she is of Croatian extraction not Serbian and she is also German and something else.

Re: ethnicity?

Well if you read it in the Croatian newspaper then it sure is credible.:D

Re: ethnicity?

Well, Phillip, what is the "something else?"

Re: ethnicity?

If i knew i would tell you.

Re: ethnicity?

Pevec sounds eastern european slavic
I think she is mostly serbian I also think possibly Bosnian Romanian and Croatian or Czech as well but I still go with Serbian or any Yugoslav

Re: ethnicity?

yes she's yugoslavian, no doubt. i would know, i am too.

Re: ethnicity?

I'm from Germany and my wife from Poland it's not from either of those places. Not russian either.

Re: ethnicity?

i happen to be a yugoslav living in slovenia, and pevec is a slovenian last name not croatian or any other yugoslavian republic.

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Re: ethnicity?

I'm Croatian and Pevec is Croatian last name and it's pretty well known in here
btw. there is no such thing as Yugoslav, those are just some serbs living in the past

Re: ethnicity?

She IS a Slovenian, not a Croatian or some other national.
Take a look on wikipedia: "She is of Slovene descent."

Re: ethnicity?

The name "Katija" is probably Croatian, since the cluster "ija" is particularly Croatian, as opposed to "Katja" or "Katia." For those of you who don't speak a Slavic language (no criticism if you don't), the "j" makes a "y" sound, and yes, those three spellings make very distinctively different sounds. Pevec is a Croatian name, but probably Slovenian as well, since the "ec" ending comes from Northern Croatia, the North and Northwest quarter of the country running up to the Slovenian border.

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Re: ethnicity?

she might be croatian, though her surname pevec means singer in slovenian and as far as i know it doesn't mean anything in croatian, as singer in croatian is pjevać. katja is a common slovenian name, though as far as i know comes from german, but her middle name is mira, that in slovenian means pitch or resin. and as croatia, especially part of it slavonia, istria and some other parts were once inhabited by the same peoples, many of the surnames, today especially known for slovenians can very often be found in croatia (of course also in other yugoslav countries if people migrated).

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