The Last Man on Earth : If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

from the sheer stench that would emanate from his bedroom? Do dead bodies simply not decompose anymore?

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

That's an interesting question. In the timeline of the show, the "Unwitnessed Deaths" episode (3x6) probably happened no more than a few weeks or so since the end of s.2; so if Mike were dead behind that door, Phil/Tandy most definitely would smelled something. Since he apparently didn't, I assume that still gave him hope that his brother was alive (albeit very, very sick) but maybe he didn't want to see him in any more of a declining state than he had last left him (or else he didn't want to take a chance on finding the room empty leading him to assume maybe Mike had gone out while feeling momentarily better but suddenly taken a turn for the worse and ended up dying somewhere else)

"I know I'm not normal but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

I assume that still gave him hope that his brother was alive (albeit very, very sick) but maybe he didn't want to see him in any more of a declining state than he had last left him (or else he didn't want to take a chance on finding the room empty leading him to assume maybe Mike had gone out while feeling momentarily better but suddenly taken a turn for the worse and ended up dying somewhere else)

I'm going to go with that explanation, thanks.

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

Just signed. I primarily use IMDb to discuss a couple of my favorite shows (including this one).

"I know I'm not normal but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

In b4 the boards close: I don't think any of them maybe even HAVE a sense of smell anymore. Assuming every street has, I dunno, a couple dead bodies in it maybe no-one can actually smell a *new* dead body, if that makes sense.

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

I was thinking the same thing! This might be why they did not react to Cher's corpse with so much as a wrinkling of the nose.

Re: If Mike had died, wouldn't Phil already know…

I thought Mike actually went to a different house to die, this didn't look the same to me at all - though it was shown at night and a different angle that time. I'd have to go back and look.