Politics : Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

They're calling the trailer "white genocide" because a black college girl says white people can't wear black face.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?


*With her alive-nostrils once snaggle front-tooth crossing the other and wear bangs -InherentlyYours

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

That, and the name of the show

It's okay to be racist against whitey, it's not really racism.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

"Dear White People." Yes that is equally to "die, ni@@er, die."

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I'm not aware of a show named that. Is there a link on IMDb to it?

Or how about Dear Black People, is there one for that you can link me to?

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Your post's stupidity made me shutter.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Lol the ALT-RIGHT are accusing people of promoting ethnic cleansing?

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

How ironic!

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I like how a term is made up by the TV talking heads and then you idiots just parrot it.

Like "alt right" or "fake news" or whatever is the current buzz word on CNN. You hear it on TV and then you repeat it like well trained parrots.

It's easy to show what hypocrites you are.if the title of the show was "Dear Black People" or "Dear Brown People" or "Dear Yellow People" or "Dear Red People" ..basically any color but white..you people would be puking with outrage.

But since it's "white" its OK.because.you're hypocrites.

It's just like how cultural appropriation is so horrible that a white person dressing up as an Indian or a black person for Halloween is a crime against humanity..but the most popular play in the world is a bunch of blacks playing white people.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Hopefully. Maybe it'll reduce some of the network traffic and make things faster for people like myself who really don't give a *beep*.

*With her alive-nostrils once snaggle front-tooth crossing the other and wear bangs -InherentlyYours

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?


I have boycotted Kellogg's and Starbucks forever

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

How snowflaky of you.

I don't want the world. I just want your half.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

How corporatist of you.

We should all boycott large multinational corporations and support small businesses to incentivise job growth and competition. I'm not sure how anyone on the political left can argue otherwise.

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

The right are hypocrites. They admonish lefties for their protests and boycotts. So yes, a righty then talking about boycotting is snowflakey.

Boycott, don't boycott, it makes no difference to me. No one is forcing anyone to buy products or watch something they don't want to. (Except if the latter is required to through their education/profession.)

I don't want the world. I just want your half.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Are you a left-winger?

If so, you should try to buy independently. Support small businesses, not big corporations who cover up their greed, capitalist, and tax-dodging endeavours, by adopting PC social attitudes and thus playing divide and conquer with minorities who should, in theory, be natural socialists.

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I'm a pragmatic moderate democrat.

I don't want the world. I just want your half.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?


No offence because you seem like a decent chap, and one of the most level-headed regulars here, but this neoliberal centrist shït has been killing politics for twenty years. It's run out of steam. Too many people are out-of-work or barely in sustainable and sufficiently renumerative work because of these globalist, corporatist policies. The working-class have had enough. They're not going to back someone like Hillary again, so the DNC and other supposedly centre-left parties need a radical rethink in order to challenge right-wing populists like Trump, Le Pen, and UKIP. Social liberalism without socioeconomic liberalism, lost, big-time, later year. If the centre-left wants to win, it needs to stand up against multinationals and get behind ordinary working-class people.

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

well said mate cheers

If someone hates you for no reason, give that jerk a reason :)

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I've had disagreements in the past with you, Harvey, but we're on the same page when it comes to what the real problem isand who's behind it. 90% of this board is people arguing about so much trivial BS, and no-one seems capable of opening their eyes and realizing that ANY changes can only be possible if the corporate oligarchy that controls 21st century western politics is brought down a peg (quite a few pegs, actually).

"I was cured all right!"

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

No one I know of has a problem with protesting. I have a problem with people being violently assaulted, set on fire, and property being destroyed. That's not a protest, it's a riot. Are you okay with that?

"The power of the force has stopped you, you hosers."

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Who's setting anyone on fire?

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Trump protestor set a girl's hair on fire.


Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?


"The power of the force has stopped you, you hosers."

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Can you put that address in link format, please?

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

You can't C&P it into a address bar, or highlight it and right click and choose 'open link'?

"All right we'll give some land to the n;ggers and the ch;nks. But we don't want the Irish!"

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Buy a faster Internet Connection and make sure you're using a DOCSIS 3 modem.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Don't plan on it. But seems like it'll be a fun topic at the shareholders meeting.

Wonder if Netflix won't discuss this one like they won't discuss season 4 of "Arrested Development" or "Quixter".

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

No. Liberals give credence to whacko fringe type every time they promote these so called "boycotts". Remember the Ban Star Wars boycotts? First over a black Stormtrooper and then Rogue One for having a girl main character? Over 3 billion dollars later, everyone realized how few actual conservatives boycotted them.

I got new boots. Black, steel toe. Very dark, mature boots. All other boots are kiddie

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

But they did destroy the all girl Ghostbusters. Melissa McCarthy has been reduced to doing man drag.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

That movie was garbage. It was doomed the minute it was announced as NOT being a continuation. They could have had the same basic premise and cast, but had even just Aykroyd and Hudson reprising their characters and it would have been much more successful. The cameos by those actors, plus Murray, Potts, and Weaver, but playing other characters, was insulting.

I got new boots. Black, steel toe. Very dark, mature boots. All other boots are kiddie

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

It wasn't a funny movie, but the hatred from the geeky fanboys was out of proportion to what remakes normally get. I don't know that right wingers in particular trashed itI'm just posting sh!t for the fun of it.but isn't this what brought Milo Y to fame?

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

The Director (and Melissa) jumping in and calling anyone who didn't think the movie looked good "misogynists" didn't help. It just alienated the audience even more.

Reboots in general are not well received. Hence why Hollywood has gone the way of the "soft reboot" now, where they restart a story, but bring in old cast members to pass the torch on to others.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Not just them, all the left wing critics on the internet. They called the Angry Video Game Nerd an MRA because he had no interest in seeing it. I don't think he even knows what an MRA is.


Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

They did worse than that. They called his wife a gold digging whore and even mocked his disabled child. (All because he said he would no see the movie). Even celebrities started harassing him.

You know what I really admired about James after that? He didn't respond! He let them scream and shout all they wanted, but he did not let their cries get to him nor did he engage them in further discussion.

His message was received loud and clear and I think gained even more support as a result.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I haven't seen it yet. Did the all-girl Ghostbusters have a male secretary? They should have. It's only fair.

"I hear no voice. The dead cannot speak."

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Why yes they did! And he as a dumb, blonde, mimbo. (Very progressive!)

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Thanks. The reaction to the film seemed to be mostly negative, but if I ever see it I'll try to keep an open mind.

"I hear no voice. The dead cannot speak."

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I've heard that it's average. Neither a disaster nor a modern classic.

Likewise, the attitudes of people on either side of the argument were histrionic and unreflective of the entire middling and inoffensive endeavour.

Sony was entirely entitled to make the reboot without being attacked for 'raping' anyone's childhood or trampling over their cherished memories of the originals, which will always exist, but likewise the public was also entitled to give the apparently underwhelming and hardly must-see reboot a miss without being accused of being women-hating MRAs. Unfortunately, the film became a type of political football and summer precursor to the real contest on 8 November, which sadly attributed it far more significance than it arguably deserved.

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

The online reaction was negative, from both the creators of the film (towards the fans of the originals) and as well as from the fans of the original movies.

Overall, the reactions seem to be that it's just average. A few jokes here and there, nothing special but certainly not the "worst movie ever made" as some people make it out to be.

Had the director and the cast just stayed out of the initial controversy, the overall production probably would have succeed. Marketing 101, don't insult your fanbase.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Melissa McCarthy has been reduced to doing man drag.
Looks like we're seeing how conservatives are choosing to respond to the SNL Spicer skits: by pretending it's somehow a career low for her. A badge of shame or some such.
You really think pretending it's shameful is gonna work? People are loving these skits, and the only one looking bad as a result is Spicer himself, since she's lampooning him so brilliantly (plus having him played by a woman is sure to piss off misogynists like Trump and his supporters case in point ). People online are actually suggesting that reporters in the briefings quote lines from the skit to him just to see how he'll react.

I am one with the Force; the Force is with me.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I think the ones being misogynist are those who think dressing a woman up as a real life man is automatically funny and offensive to the man in question.

In this era of greater LGBT awareness, I'd have thought such mockery by feminisation, was passé. Alas, most people aren't as politically sensitive and considerate as me.

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

Who is loving these skits? SNL is playing to its core audience. They're getting huge play in the media because the media is rabidly anti Trump. You really think the average American is "loving" those skits?

Saying "people' love the skits is like saying people love Bill O'Reilly. Yeah, some people love that idiot, especially ones who watch Fox, that doesn't mean the rest of us do.

SNL is left wing propaganda at this point. They play "To Sir With Love" for Obama, they played Hallelujah for Clinton, then All they do (just like the rest of the MSM) is attack Trump. How can you even take SNL seriously as far as politics go? Their whining and crying is just white noise at this point. They have Alec Baldwin on there mocking "anti woman" Trump but Alec Baldwin called his own daughter a "pig" lol. It's just absurd hypocrisy.

You want to find out how most Americans feel? Go look at the comments section on a major news site. Every article on Yahoo that talks about Trump's immigration plans have comment sections full of people cheering what he's done do far. The thumbs up thumbs down ratio is 10 to 1 in favor of Trump.

If you doubt it I'll be happy to get some links.

Your problem is you believe what the MSM tells you. You'd think you'd have learned after they told you Trump had no chance to win the election that the MSM lies. It's lies and propaganda.

Seriously, all the whining and crying since Trump's election has accomplished nothing except to make people tune out so when Trump really does need to be called out nobody is going to listen because you idiots have behaved like children and cried because you didn't get your way.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

No, a couple people are because the show is anti-white and one of the writers tweeted out "*beep* white people". Most people don't care. If you boycotted something everytime a Hollywood liberal put his white guilt on display you wouldn't have much entertainment options.


Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

People people you don't have to boycott anything.

Just pirate the movies. No act of malevolence is wrong if the person deserves it.

In fact it makes you a hero. Stealing is actually better than a boycott because that way they actually lose money as opposed to just not getting money that they could have otherwise gotten zzzzzzz gay free market bull *beep*

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

No act of malevolence is wrong if the person deserves it.
So beating your wife is okay if she pisses you off enough? Or how about rape; what does a woman have to do to you in order to make her "deserve it"?

I am one with the Force; the Force is with me.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

I'm pirating it and distributing it for free. Hope their numbers suffer

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

God damn it man. Now that teauxfaux guy is really gonna think you're me.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

It's silly to boycott a commercial network for creating products for various target audiences. Ignore the shows you don't like and watch the ones you do.

Re: Are conservatives all boycotting Netflix ?

It's idiotic to boycott Netflix over this show.

That said, I was genuinely interested in seeing this show, which didn't seem remotely racist to me, until I read the article in which one of the writers said "fück white people". That he 'clarified' his position to make it clear it was about the proportion of white people who supported Trump makes it even worse IMHO.

If he'd said "fück all white people", it wouldn't have been so bad, because it would be quite clear he was challenging universal white privilege, which really does exist. That he said it in order to attack a proportion of white people, who aren't even reflective of all white people, is wrong on so many levels.

Firstly, you can't say fück white people if 40% or so didn't even support Trump.

Secondly, you shouldn't even be attacking a racial group on the basis of who they voted for. Every individual, irrespective of race, is entitled to vote for whichever candidate they so wish, and this writer, who appears from his avatar to be white, is ignoring his own Hollywood and upper-middle-class privilege when he ignores the fact that that many people, mostly but not exclusively white (12% of black men apparently supported Trump, as well as a third of Latino voters), supported Trump because of his promise to bring back their jobs, particularly in the struggling rustbelt states.

Maybe it's about time that we had a show called "Dear Rich People", that challenges the spoiled pampered denizens of New York and California in their privileged 'liberal' echo chamber.

Last Seen Films: Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10, Hacksaw Ridge - 8/10