Politics : You've got 3 more days bitches

You've got 3 more days bitches

then boom!!!

Re: You've got 3 more days bitches

..Goes the dynamite!

Re: You've got 3 more days bitches

Perhaps the President will intervene and make imdb turn the missile-freighters around..

Re: You've got 3 more days bitches

But I'm here now.

Not knowing history is like being a leaf that doesn't know it's part of a tree.

Re: You've got 3 more days bitches

Why so mean?!

Re: You've got 3 more days bitches

But is it worth losing Stormfront and InfoWars?

You do know that I already sent out the orders to
boycott anyone who advertises on Stormfront and InfoWars.

See how I can topple your little empire without having to resort to violence

And just so you know, once IMDB is gone, millions of Liberals will have
way more time to find new and exciting ways to cause trouble for the Alt-Right.

"Without education and intellectualism there is no morality."