Politics : Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Trump's campaign sent an email to subscribers with a survey called:

The Mainstream Media Accountability Survey

Some select questions:

Do you trust CNN to fairly report on our campaign?
No opinion

Hillary Clinton still gets a free pass from the media as she continues to lie about sending classified information on her secret server.
No opinion

More time is spent covering fake scandals involving Trump than real scandals involving Hillary and our national security.
No opinion

On which issues does the mainstream media do the worst job of representing Republicans? (Select as many that apply.)
Pro-life values
Individual liberty
Foreign policy
Second Amendment rights

In order to preserve whatever journalistic integrity they have left, the mainstream media must come forward and admit Hillary LIED about her secret server.
No opinion

Goodbye Soapbox, Hello Reddit

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Trust in the media is at an all time low.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low


"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

- George Bernard Shaw

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

What could possibly be the purpose of this survey now that he's already POTUS?

Goodbye Soapbox, Hello Reddit

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Do you trust CNN to fairly report on our campaign?

Hillary Clinton still gets a free pass from the media as she continues to lie about sending classified information on her secret server.

More time is spent covering fake scandals involving Trump than real scandals involving Hillary and our national security.


On which issues does the mainstream media do the worst job of representing Republicans? (Select as many that apply.)
Pro-life values
Individual liberty
Foreign policy
Second Amendment rights

In order to preserve whatever journalistic integrity they have left, the mainstream media must come forward and admit Hillary LIED about her secret server.

No opinion

I have a library card. That makes me right.

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Let us know when you can think a thought of your own.

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

i r o n y a l e r t

Goodbye Soapbox, Hello Reddit

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Yes! Thanx!

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Fake link, fake news.

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Do you trust CNN to fairly report on our campaign

Is he campaigning for 2020 already?

"Whether homosexuality causes less harm (than slavery) is debatable" - Hada

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

Yes. It's sad to see a president more concerned with his popularity than the people's needs. His latest press conference demonstrated it.

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!


As an aside, you've also chosen a rather inopportune time to start a message board history here, given it'll be deleted on Monday!

"Whether homosexuality causes less harm (than slavery) is debatable" - Hada

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

I just saw some issues I wanted to comment on. No real biggie if it disappears.

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

If someone is looking for a good example of a "push poll", they need look no further.

So it goes.

Re: Who wants to take Trump's media survey!?!!!!!

The Clinton questions weren't there when I took it.

Still horrible biased and loaded questions.

But thee Clinton ones weren't there.