Politics : Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

Putin's testing us and showing his aggresion again and I do not have confidence in Trump to handle it. Watch to video on the page.

Is it just to scare us? No big deal?

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut


Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

This bothers me too. Now that Dump's shutting out media outlets, I doubt they'll ever be asked about it.

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

Russian spy ships have been patrolling off the coast of the US for decades. We do the same to them.

It's a non-story.

I have a library card. That makes me right.

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

New London, Connecticut. I was born there. Groton, CT is just a bridge away and is known as the Submarine Capital of the World.

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

It's common. Russia has a whole class of purpose-built ships that have done this for decades.

Now it's news.

Live long and prosper.

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

Beat those war drums!

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

Now it's news.

It's amazing how warhawk Hillary's marching orders are still being carried out by the Media.

It's almost as if she won the election.

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

It's amazing how warhawk Hillary's marching orders are still being carried out by the Media.

It's almost as if she won the election.

Indeed, for people need 'marching orders from Hillary' to dislike Trump.


Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

I was referring to the ramping up of Cold War politics.

But if you wanna make it about that, have at 'er.

We've got the perfect mix of Hollywood and 'News' to tell us all how to think correctly.

Re: Russian Spy Ship New Connecticut

You guys didn't read the article and never do. They stated that and they show a pic of a Russion Ship from 2015 doing the same thing.

The point is not how often it happens or to just twiddle your thumbs. It's that you get up and reaffirm your position. Trump does nothing, that sends a message of weakness. We already look weak.

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