Politics : IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


Saturday February 18, 2017

Party Til You Drop ~ Booze It Til You Lose It ~ Burn This Mother Down

Place: Right Here
Time: 5PM EDT? until Last one standing Sunday Morning

BYOB - Leave Partisan Politics Behind - Everyone is Invited

Music threads
Game threads
Memories threads
Confessions threads
Recipe threads
Quiz threads
"What Poster Am I" threads
Sing-along threads
Drinking game threads
Movie threads

Form a gang to raid & takeover another IMDb board!
Say your Goodbyes


Everyone on board?

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Omgosh. Take a hike! I took everybody off ignore and now you come along. You need to be whipped!

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in with mexoxo rabbit

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

You sure are angry.

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in with mexoxo rabbit

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Lol full of rage.

*With her alive-nostrils once snaggle front-tooth crossing the other and wear bangs -InherentlyYours

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Talk about the biggest overreaction in history.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Well, I am as white as Casper.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Omgosh this is just awful. :(

Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you are in with mexoxo rabbit

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

You Should Have Voted Sanders But Have A Hug Anyway.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

I dont mind living in a mans world as long as I can be a woman in it.-Marilyn

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Okay, I don't know about 'til I drop' though.

Liberal face ->

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

What a weird idea.

I wonder what the very last words will be.
Or else someone will be typing a very long post for like 10 minutes and then just before they hit "Post Reply" *poof* it's gone.

Trump lies:
Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
We are banning Muslims.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

I admit it's tempting. Curious to know exactly when the posts will stop. Also , what the message that will pop up is

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

It's an end of the world feeling. I guess we should all get in preparation, seeing as it's increasingly likely to occur in our lifetimes.

Last Seen Films: Rogue One - 9/10, Silence - 10/10, La La Land - 10/10

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

I totally wouldn't mind the end of the world. I mean , it's a once in a lifetime experience.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

everyone swallow the black pill at ten mins to 5.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Form a gang to raid & takeover another IMDb board!
I remember back when we used to do this all the time. Those days were fun, before this board went down the toilet. To be honest though I think all the other boards are going through a tough time right now as well, so we should probably let them have their last few days to themselves.

I'm up for all the rest though.

Last movie watched: Heaven's Gate - 8/10

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Not a bad idea.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Sounds pretty gay.

I'm in.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

What is EDT? Eastern Daylight time?
It woudn't be daylight saving in the eastern US this time of year.
How about using UTC time?


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

This is a great idea.

I'll be there.

Or here.


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Set up a youtube live camera chat and play songs, be the official DJ.


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Interesting idea.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

I've mostly been lurking as of late, but it would be déclassé for the many times King Of The Board to not put in at least a token appearance.

I still can't play it, but I know an excellent "Goodbye" tune.

So it goes.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

"Profess your undying love for another poster" threads? or would that fall under the category of "confessions threads"? Anyway, I'll be there! Save the last dance for me.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017



That had not occurred to us, Dude.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Love it

And for fun I am emptying out my ignore list.

Maybe some of the old douche bag trolls will grace us


Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


Live long and prosper.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Free drinks?

"You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them." Solzhenitsyn

Be excellent to each other! Wooooo… Hoooooo!…

If you're on my ignore list, you must be an ignorant loser. : O )
Go read a book and think! : O )

I'll wear my best rags! : O )

If you're on my ignore list, you must be an ignorant loser. : O )
Go read a book and think! : O )

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Don't wear anything, Jill.

If you're on my ignore list, you must be an ignorant loser. : O )
Go read a book and think! : O )

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

No. For the first time in my life I will put some serious effort and try to be the worst dressed. This is the politics board and most people don't even deserve my worst taste.


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

How're we supposed to have a wet t-shirt contest if she's not wearing anything. Think, manthink!

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

How did I miss this?

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

I'll try and be here, but no guarantees


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

I wouldn't call this a party.

A party has the people you can interact with in person instead of through a screen.

This just seems like a "party" for the super, super lonely.

Trump lies:
Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
I can stop federal funds.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

I wouldn't call this a party.

A party has the people you can interact with in person instead of through a screen.

This just seems like a "party" for the super, super lonely.

You are uninvited

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Good bye to friends; rot in hell enemies.

The Original 'The Trashcan Man' since 2001

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017


I Am Going To Life Tap, Heal Me!

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

No bears allowed!

This board is ursusphobic.

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

Soapboxers aren't invited?

Goodbye Soapbox, Hello Reddit

Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017

That party would be empty without the Soapboxers. They can be glad to have you as guests.


Re: IMDb POLITICS BOARD GOING AWAY PARTY - Saturday February 18, 2017
