Politics : My final post. Say what you want to say

My final post. Say what you want to say

This will be my final IMDb post before I delete my profile and move to imdb2.freeforums.net. Whatever you wish to say to me, positive or negative, say it within the next 12 hours, which is when I will pull the plug

"Black Lives Matter is the last socially acceptable hate group."-Milo Yiannopoulos

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Your contributions made this board a lively and exciting place.


Not knowing history is like being a leaf that doesn't know it's part of a tree.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

You have severe issues and are in urgent need of therapy. You need a really good therapist. A really good one.


Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Jill - I just love the name you came up with for this thing: Angry Douche.
That. Is. Classic.

We have met the enemy and he is us!

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

It's a no brainer. I give it to you as a go away present.


Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Good luck with your mommy issues. Get help.

Believe those who seek the truth. Doubt those who find it.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Err okay, well. This is kind of hard for me to say but I've been meaning to say this for a while and I only have one last chance to say it to you, and that is..

..see you on the area51 board, because I see you're already a member and actively posting on it.

There, I said it. Boy, that's a load off.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Enjoyed your posts for the most part (with the exception of some that I felt were racially tinged.) I wish you well

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." Judge Judy
Keep free speech and free thought alive!

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Ever since I've seen you posting here I've had this burning desire to tell you something and since this is goodbye I'm just going to let it all out. Okhere it goes.

Star Trek Deep Space 9 sucks donkey balls. Seriously. Its just plain awful. It is the bastard child of the Star Trek universe. ST Voyager and ST Enterprise are considered perfection compared to that steaming pile of dog crap. And the fact that you have it listed as one of your favorite shows makes me pity you. Just so, so sad.

Oh man, I feel better.

Take care.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

So long, don't take any wooden latinum.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Contrary to what you may have heard - Star Trek Voyager was decent enough and better with 7 of 9.


I Am Going To Life Tap, Heal Me!

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Dukat was f-cking hot on that show

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Man, you are a dick but I loved reading your posts. A guilty pleasure.


Re: My final post. Say what you want to say


1. plastic surgery

2. personality.

3. GO!

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Stop denigrating Earth women and *beep* off to the galaxy whence you came, you dirty space-foreigner who has the nerve to come to our planet and disrespect the local ladies.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say


Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Well, there go my prospects for a great romance.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Thanks, Jill. It helps to know someone else understands the emptiness I feel now.

Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Secretly, all women on this board do. They just don't have your courage to own up to it. You should be proud.


Re: My final post. Say what you want to say

Yeah, who are you?

President Donald Trump.