Clint Howard : Anticipated reboot/remake or follow-up movie he was in

Anticipated reboot/remake or follow-up movie he was in

I've seen a fair amount of interest posted around the net for a reboot/remake or possible follow-up sequel for what has kind of become a cult classic among 80's moviesand that movie is The Wraith.

Would be cool to see a modern reboot on that movie or even a sequel as there were so many avenues left open for further story plot on virtually all characters in that movie by the end. One might question, well what aabout the ones who were killed off? well, that's just it, that movie was a horror movie about someone returning from the dead for revenge on those who killed himso pretty much anything goesand since Clint Howard seems to prefer horror movieswhy not?

As far as I've been able to tell, all the original actors and actresses are still around, and nothing makes a sequel better than using most if not all of the originals in some manner.

It would also be really cool to see that awesome car again, along with maybe a new one?
