Film General : Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

Seriously Jeff Bezos, we know they're working for you spreading propaganda. ENOUGH ALREADY.

It's disturbing, the message you're sending, that people are not allowed to have negative opinions, or opinions that go against the hivemind on a board.

What the hell is wrong with you?


Re: Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

You really have absolutely NO self-awareness at all, do you?

Re: Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

thebricks, I agree with you.

You know what am I doing right now? I´m saving the threads that mean something to me, and I don´t wanna lose when they press the Delete button.

I'll pick one random thread, that we´ll lose for good, because of "trolls" and "negative opinions"

Ikiru (1952)

Re: Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

You know what am I doing right now? I´m saving the threads that mean something to me, and I don´t wanna lose when they press the Delete button.

You should have probably saved them even without the news of the board going down, when a thread goes response less for a while it can be deleted, the message board was never meant to be a long term option for message, just for the short term.

Look at Gone for the wind board for example:

It is all gone (except for the very recent stuff)

Do you made a script to save the threads or you do it by hands ?

Re: Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

Just by hands. This thread is in my posting history, I remember the ones I don´t wanna lose.

I know the message board is not a long term option, but still, I found very old ones.

Re: Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

I found very old ones.

Some thread are keep alive for year's, as long as someone post there once in a while, or if it is on a message board with very few thread, they don't seem to get flush out in that case.

Just by hands.

Someone made a chrome extension to save your (or anyone other user) message history if you want to save it:

Re: Shills repeating "This is why the boards are being shut down"

Someone made a chrome extension to save your (or anyone other user) message history if you want to save it:

