I Need To Know : 80's or 90's kids movie (solved)

80's or 90's kids movie (solved)

I wish I could remember more, but I remember seeing this movie as a kid where these boys camp at a lake or pond. I remember at least one of them brushing their teeth with the pond/lake water. I think it was 3 boys. At one point, they get chased by a dog named Killer… I think.

I doubt anyone will know what the movie is ,but it's worth a shot.
Maybe if IMDB was still open, I'd have better luck. They were good at finding a movie from something vague like this.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Stand by Me?

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

No. I don't think it's a well known movie like Stand By Me or The Goonies, but I remember it having that feel to it. I think I even rented it along with The Goonies.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Yeah I didn't think so but the pond scene and the dog made me think perhaps you were confusing two movies as one. The dog's name in Stand by Me was Chopper though.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Do you remember if it appeared to be a big budget film like The Goonies?

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

He already said that it wasn't well known.
Hopefully, someone might guess! biggrin.gif

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Ok, sorry.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

I'm sorry. I honestly can't think of anything of your description… at least not yet.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie


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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Continue to scroll further.
The mystery has already been solved.
On to another case, Sherlock.. eyes.gif

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

That was kind of uncalled for.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Uncalled for…
Sherlock wasn't funny?
You really need to lighten up.
Let's change it to Columbo!
I'm easy!
Just one more thing…
Get a sense of humor. 💋

Good one! 👍

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

thinking.gif Nah…
Not My Dog Skip….

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

No. If it was 90's, it was early 90's. I rented it around 94.
It was probably a late 80's movie trying to imitate movies like The Goonies.

I don't have much hope for finding out what it was lol. I've tried googling different things, but I guess it's not specific enough.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

half baked 😂

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

It' not possible that you can think of an actor? Even someone you remember from a different movie or tv show? Maybe?
I keep googling too. I like these mysteries. I'm not being a bitch when I say that.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

I'm the same way and it's so satisfying when you're able to find the correct movie for someone. I enjoyed the I need to know board on IMDb.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

yes.gif It drives you crazy until you remember it.

You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Unfortunately, no. I don't think any of the actors are well known, but I could be wrong. If I knew the actor, I could've definitely found it.
It's been driving me crazy for years lol.
I remember so much around it, but can't remember the title or anything more than what I said.
I even remember the other movies I rented that evening, the rental store we went to, who brought me, etc.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

No. If it was 90's, it was early 90's. I rented it around 94.

No you didn't. You're parents rented it, stupid.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Actually, it was my oldest sister. She was babysitting me that evening and got me to rent Goonies that same night.

I can be annoyingly literal too.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Point is you never have and never will pay your way.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Lighten up a little, bud. love10.gif

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Have you asked your sister if she remembers?

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Half Baked

“There are no atheists in foxholes, eh?”-Keith Jennings from the Omen.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

yes.gif The dog's name is Killer! That sounds about right!
Hopefully, that's the one he's thinking of!

You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
Fasten Your Seatbelts….
It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

No, it's a kid's movie. The fact that they have a dog named Killer too is one of the reasons google wasn't helpful in finding the title.
It wasn't a very original movie, so that doesn't help either. It's just one of those nostalgic rarities.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Half Baked is a kids movie. I LOLOLOL the whole time. 😆

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Not a kid's movie lol.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

If it's an easy answer, it's probably not it. I sometimes hope it'll show up on Red Letter Media one day… or maybe on Tubi.

Kind of related, but a little of a subject change. I was so happy when I not only found out the name of the movie, but saw "Remote" on Tubi. It was one of the many Home Alone rip-offs, and the kid had a bunch of RC stuff, including this yodeling toy. I saw it on Showtime around the sane time as the one I'm trying ro remember now, and it was so satisfying being able to watch something as an adult I haven't watched since I was 7.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Your guess makes sense, but in what world is Half Baked a kid’s movie? It’s the type of **** you’d find on Comedy Central.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

theres so many disney films it could be
or stuff like nukie / mac and me
bushwacked 1995

two decades
and they are also prolific movie decades
and prolific kid movie decades.

difficult. good luck!

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Maybe "One Small Hero" (1999) ?

or "Heavyweights" (1995) ?

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Early 90's or maybe 80's. I know Heavyweights.

Like I said, I have little hope in finding the title. It wasn't a popular movie like Heavyweights.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

No, but it's a good guess since it is a little more esoteric.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

What type of movie was it? Adventure? Horror? Drama? Comedy? Sport?
There a many that are possibilities but you would have to narrow it down some.

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

It was a kids movie. More specifically. Maybe a little adventure and comedy.
Seemed to be influenced by other kids movies of the time, like The Goonies and Stand By Me.

Yeah, like I said, the broad description I can remember makes me think I won't find it.
The only 2 unique things I can remember was a dog named Killer chasing the boys and one or all of the boys using pond or lake water to brush their teeth.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Little Marines (1990) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0380500/reference/

Full film:

The 'Killer' dog scene is at the 32 minute mark, the tooth brushing scene is at 48 minutes. wink.gif

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Holy ****ing ****, dude, thank you. laugh.gif
I never thought I'd find this movie.
How did you find it? When I looked up stuff like "dog named killer" and the other stuff, it didn't give me the results I wanted.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

You're welcome! It can be tricky doing web searches, sometimes you need the exact words.

I found it searching IMDb for children's movies with mentions of a killer dog. Luckily it was on trusty YouTube, to confirm those scenes!

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Shit, I should've thought about using imdb's search engine. Guess I thought Google would've been sufficient.

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

My Fag Gazi?

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Warren, shhh

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie

Not this time.

"Please vote to preserve the unique character of Warren…" - Robert Duvall

Re: 80's or 90's kids movie (solved)

Lol I love seeing these questions get solved it's so satisfying idk why laugh.gif

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Re: 80's or 90's kids movie (solved)

I know, especially my own, and especially with this bwcause I've been searching for years on and off.

What's also great is when you catch something on TV that you haven't thought about or watched in ages. That happened with Sometimes They Come Back in the past year. The inage in my avatar is from a scene in that movie that stuck with me as a kid and freaked me out.