Film General : Escape from New York vs Big Trouble in Little China vs The Thing

Escape from New York vs Big Trouble in Little China vs The Thing

Copy/paste/delete as appropriate

Which One is Remembered More? Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Most Entertaining: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Villain: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Story: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Dialogue: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Score: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Supporting Cast (memorable characters): Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Acting: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Production Value/Effects: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Hero: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Eye Candy: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Which One Would Benefit Most from a Sequel (regardless if it already has one): Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Best Film: Escape from New York - Big Trouble in Little China - The Thing

Re: Escape from New York vs Big Trouble in Little China vs The Thing

tough choice. they're all terrible

Re: Escape from New York vs Big Trouble in Little China vs The Thing

Big Trouble in Little China
The Thing
Escape from New York

Re: Escape from New York vs Big Trouble in Little China vs The Thing

Which One is Remembered More: The Thing

Most Entertaining: Big Trouble

Best Villain: Big Trouble

Best Story: The Thing

Best Dialogue: Big Trouble

Best Score: Escape from New York

Best Supporting Cast (memorable characters): Escape from New York

Best Acting: The Thing

Best Production Value/Effects: The Thing

Best Hero: Big Trouble

Best Eye Candy: Big Trouble

Which One Would Benefit Most from a Sequel (regardless if it already has one):

Best Film: The Thing

Re: Escape from New York vs Big Trouble in Little China vs The Thing

The Thing
Escape from NEw York
The Thing
Escape from New York
The Thing
Escape from New York
Escape from New York
The Thing
The Thing
Escape from New York
Big Trouble
Escape from New York
Escape from New York

Re: Escape from New York vs Big Trouble in Little China vs The Thing

The Thing
Escape From New York
The Thing
Escape From New York
Escape From New York
Escape From New York
The Thing
The Thing
Escape From New York (a proper end at least)
Escape From New York

"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway". - Walt Disney