Film General : Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really good!

Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really good!

 We've added a new banner to make the place feel a bit more distinctive and reminiscent of IMDb and film in general.

We're starting up the FG Film Club again and have agreed to all watch Steve McQueen's Shame (2011), as there is a clear Blu-ray rip of it available on YouTube.

 Numerous great threads are being created.

I know most on FG are either subscribed to the subreddit or know about its existence, but I thought I'd exercise some shameless promotion because why the f-ck not. These boards will be dead soon.


I must add that there is a very active and concentrated effort amongst trolls to discredit the FG subreddit on this board. They are trying to paint out this idea that having moderators is somehow a bad thing that is going to obstruct freedom of speech and unpopular opinions. This is really not the case at all. We welcome dissenting viewpoints and contentious opinions, particularly film-related. It's just that when someone makes an overtly inflammatory and intentionally mean-spirited post, the board has the option to expurgate that person because it benefits everyone else other than the said troll.

And who, other than trolls, would disagree with this? It was the lack of moderation that killed FG this past year and a bit here on FG has, in my opinion, been the worst since I joined the boards, and there are many senior posters, such as OldAle and Aiwaz, who have frequented these boards for over ten years, who would also attest to this. Personally, the infestation of trolls is part of the reason as to why I posted here more infrequently as time grew.

Thankfully, the subreddit has the very important resource that FG didn't have and the one which then ultimately contributed to its downfall.

So, as Fed says, it is a blessing in disguise to a degree. Trolls will obviously respond to this post now and I have no doubt there'll be derogatory threads made about me and the FG subreddit but that only further strengthens my point. They're scared. Time is running out. They only have 6 or so days left because they fade away into obscurity. After this period, FG will be what it used to be like, perhaps better because it'll be troll-free completely.

So, yeah, even for those who do not like reddit, its lay-out or the idea in general remember that if you happen to join the subreddit, you are getting the final word against these trolls, and that's to some degree satisfying.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

hope we are able to get emoticons at some point, but I'm not sure if that's available or possible on reddit.

Shameless self promotion:

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Yeah, I don't think it is, actually. Maybe they'll introduce them at some point.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

/ I'm a proud QUEER!! And a Fraud * Suck my big fat homo lips

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

I can't find night mode theme. Is that only for mobile?

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Not sure mate as I am not too familiar with how reddit works.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Ok, I just signed up and got lost already lulz. Went back to reddit's homepage! So we have to type in film general everytime?

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

No. If you subscribe to the Film General subreddit, it should be listed under your subreddit section. So, on the homepage, right in the top lefthand cornder, there is a tab that says "my subreddits". Click that and then, if you have subscribed to the Film General subreddit, it should appear there for you to click on it.

I'd recommend just bookmarking it, too.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Ah, thanks, done that now.

What do you guys make of the gotboard or imdbv2.0 one? I would have thought with the variety there, it'd be more appealing.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

IMDbv2.0 seems good, and I have occasionally frequented it, although it doesn't have as much FG regulars as the subreddit does.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Hey psychopath

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

/ I'm a proud QUEER!! And a Fraud * Suck my big fat homo lips

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

No offence, you should have made it on freeforums instead, not only is the layout tools immensely better but every freeforum is connected so you only have to use one account for all so the IMDB2 and the gotboard for instance could all be connected. You can become associate partners so they are all linked together. Plus you can add a chess feature and play chessgames with eachother.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

I didn't create the subreddit, for your information, and it wasn't my idea. Your idea sounds good, but, personally, I am happy with the influx of great users and content we have got over on the subreddit. That isn't to say you or somebody else should follow up on that idea, though.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Cool cool.

Nah I had my own board made it look really good and stuff but those sorts of things tend to fade out rather quick unless you get ALOT of users who are constantly putting their weight in. And I don't like being in the position of a admin because you have to play nice with everyone.

But but perhaps things will be differently there, the fact that IMDB messageboards won't be around anymore'll probably be positive in terms of all that.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Subreddits are harder to DDOS.

Join IMDb FG SubReddit
see you out there

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

With all the frauds you have committed on here I'll think I'll pass on that. Thanks for asking. Wanker.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Hey, look, it's FG most inconsequential user in the board's existence.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

That's not the real benman. A few different accounts have been impersonating him for a few weeks now. They've been insulting regulars and tricking them into thinking that's it's the real benman.

Look after youselves. Jib-Jab/Vinny-Gambini

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

It's dfordouchebag.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

OP knows he's not the real benman is a faker

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

i think he should seek professional help

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

The real benman is even more of a twat. Oh and fck off.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Agreed. I was unsure about it at first, but I got the hang of it really quickly and it's great having many of the FG regulars there.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

reddit is total garbage, only a loser would join that junk

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

go fist yourself

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

it fcking sucks. the layout makes it impossible to focus on the topic

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

What a nerd

~ Lick my twat loser ~

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

I feel really bad for all the trolls coming out and doing one last pathetic, empty round of trolling. They'll have nowhere to go once IMDb closes its boards.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

OP is a faker

as and admin he can see your IP there don't sign up

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Only eight days to let it all out and then you're gone, forgotten about, wiped off the map.

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

^^^ psychopath moronic faker he is suffering from a chronic mental disorder

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

a troll free experience? miserable fck

as an admin you will be checking IP of members there, right?

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

/ I'm a proud QUEER!! And a Fraud * Suck my big fat homo lips

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

/ I'm a proud QUEER!! And a Fraud * Suck my big fat homo lips

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

I was quite surprised to see how much it has improved over a couple of days, nice work guys.
I have this image of FG'ers protesting outside FG whilst the admin bring in the bulldozers to tear it down on the 20th.

You only live twice Mr Bond

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo


~ Lick my twat loser ~

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

*beep* my anus

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Calling a moderated Reddit board "FG" is pretty much an insult to everything I know and love. Go **** yourself.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

everything I know and love

I bet it fits on the head of a pin

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

and after all the times I rated the revenant 10/10..

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

I signed up, but I'm already a bit lost. How do you start a topic? How do you reply to the OP? How do you add "flair"?

This has been the last public service announcement.

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

On the right side of the scree you should see buttons for either link posts or text posts. If you do link post clicking your thread title takes you straight to the link you post, and text post let you type a message.

Top reply to the OP, when you click on a thread you should ser a box to type in under their message. Just type in that and then hit save.

Refugees of FG, join us on Reddit:

Re: Shameless promotion: The FG subreddit is shaping up to be really goo

Ah, thanks. I'll try it.

This has been the last public service announcement.