The Watercooler : What's the best moment of your life so far?

What's the best moment of your life so far?

Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?

The **** I'm currently doing yes.gif

Ding Dong! 🤡🌎

Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?

Is it in a nappy or are you still able to control your bowel movements?

Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?

I appreciate your interest however I don't flatter coprophilia in any way, shame or form no.gif

Nothing against you, I'm just squeamish when it comes to things like that smile.gif

Ding Dong! 🤡🌎

Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?


Film Boards…the looney bin of crazies.

Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?

That time I went on a skiing trip, and rushed home to tell filmboards about it.🤭


Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?

Aren't you obese? I don't think skiing would work.

You could probably just roll down the hill and save yourself some money.

Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?


My password is password

Re: What's the best moment of your life so far?

When Donald Trump won.

My password is password