Total Divas : Is Mark Carono the reason the WWE sucks this past decade

Is Mark Carono the reason the WWE sucks this past decade

He's in charge of the talent. So is he part of the writing as well because he told the divas what angles and story lines they will be doing.

If he is, he needs to get fired

Re: Is Mark Carono the reason the WWE sucks this past decade

I believe so, the stories are so awful all of the writers need to be replaced including Stephanie McMahon. Wrestling has gone downhill sincethe 80's and the Attitude Era.

Re: Is Mark Carono the reason the WWE sucks this past decade

I usually hate Mark Carono on these shows because he has this superiority complex about him like he can just get away with saying and doing whatever the hell he wants to the girls, but he became my new favorite person when he told off that miserably wench, Paige.

Re: Is Mark Carono the reason the WWE sucks this past decade

He give off a date-rapist vibe to me.

Re: Is Mark Carono the reason the WWE sucks this past decade

I don't think he has anything with the creative team other than being the messenger.