The Blacklist : hooray more interracial
Re: hooray more interracial
And people wonder why these message boards are being shut down.
Re: hooray more interracial
Re: hooray more interracial
Because IMDB hates free speech?
Re: hooray more interracial
Because of racist scum and their apologists like you and OP
Re: hooray more interracial
Why I am racist?
Re: hooray more interracial
Because you correlate hate speech with free speech. By bringing up free speech you're defending OP's racist rant.
Re: hooray more interracial
The OP was not racist. Simply not enjoying Marxist propaganda on TV does not mean you are racist. Also, who is the moral authority that determines what is hate speech and what is free speech? Here's a tip. There are no limits to free speech. Even hate speech is protected by the first amendment as free speech.
Re: hooray more interracial
Marxist propaganda
So you and the OP are one of those #whitegenocide alt-right douche, eh?
Re: hooray more interracial
No, we are just people capable of seeing reality how it is. Please educate yourself on the topic of cultural marxism and how it is promoted in TV shows and movies.
Re: hooray more interracial
What right wing blog or woke Youtuber should I watch? Maybe Breitbart?
Re: hooray more interracial
You can watch whatever you want. I'm not a right-winger. I don't subscribe to any political ideology as I found that this leads to intellectual dishonesty. But there are a lot of topics on which I don't agree with the left, and a lot in which I don't agree with the right. Coming from a former communist country, I have a first hand knowledge of Marxism and Cultural Marxism. What America is promoting in its universities and media is indeed cultural Marxism and is an idiotic ideology that promotes relativism in all areas of life, instead of promoting logic and reason.
Re: hooray more interracial
Whether you like it or hate itthe facts remain. There is an obvious effort to include interracial relationships and same sex relationships in virtually every show on TV. I have dated very lovely ladies of a different race than mine, and will continue to do so if I am so lucky. The only problem I have with it is the very obvious inclusion of these relationships in a way which doesn't appear as a natural circumstance but as an added line for the sake of diversity. Having a "token" interracial relationship is insulting to the real and natural people involved in them.
Re: hooray more interracial
I totally agree with you and original post. Not that it matters but Im an Hispanic female that does not lean left or right politically. I see it and its blatant. Propaganda now allowed courtesy of last admin by ececutive order..I also notice the clamping down on free speech by eliminating message boards and trying to steer everyone to use Facebook signin to comment.
Re: hooray more interracial
Well, fede, from where you're sitting i.e. the regressive left, EVERYONE looks like alt-right. Now hurry along with the rest of your black bloc friends to your next anarchist riot, or what you would call a protest.
I have a brain and good taste, so no, I'm not part of the target demographic.
I have a brain and good taste, so no, I'm not part of the target demographic.
Re: hooray more interracial
Why I am racist?
Re: hooray more interracial
Seems to be some edict on high in television to NEVER FEATURE black-black couples, or white-white couple
Huh? There are PLENTY of them on TV.
But to ALWAYS go out of the way to have an Asian dude with a black girl or a white girl with a black guy or two Middle Eastern gay guys or a black girl with a Chinese guy.
I've never seen any of those pairings.
Always smacks of unlikely fake diversity casting probably will sound especially stereotypical in this particular case, but are there REALLY a lot of SUPER-GENIUS 20 YEARS OLD BLACK BIO CHEMISTS NAMED MALIK?
Yes. I'm sure there are plenty. Why wouldn't there be? Especially, like in this episode, an immigrant.
TV showrunners seem to take a particular glee in needling Trump's "Middle America" with images of lily white blonde girls macking on studly black men.
I do admit that there are a lot of black guy-white girl couples on TV nowadays, moreso than any other interracial pairing.
While contrived, I can now point to race-baiters, complaining about a supposed lack of interracial couples on screen, that that is not the case.
We try but we didn't have long
We try but we don't belong
-Hot Chip (Boy from School)
Re: hooray more interracial
I agree with Bluvholtz, it's obvious that the television industry is gleefully throwing the black man/white woman couplings in our faces. Come to think of it there's no black women on this show is there? How racist.
Re: hooray more interracial
Cooper's wife is black
Re: hooray more interracial
' In 2013, a record-high 12% of newlyweds married someone of a different race, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data.' And that is just marriages seriously just because you don't date other races doesn't mean other people don't. But let us get down to the nitty gritty, why do any of you care who is game banging whom on tv? It doesn't effect your life unless you let it.
Re: hooray more interracial
Erg fake banging not game banging autocorrect strikes again.
Re: hooray more interracial
I agree with most of your observations. I'm sure there are millions of black genuises. Probably not educated in US but around world. Blacklist portrays most white men characters as right wing fringeexcept Ressler
hooray more interracial