Viggo Mortensen : Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
What letter did Viggo Mortensen supposedly write? And could you post a link please!
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
This is being spread in brazilian media like if it was a true fact. But in american media obscure sources only.
For example:
For example:
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
I see what you mean! Thank you for the link. If Noam Chomsky is involved, you can bet Viggo will follow.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Lol, not surprised, Mr. M. is as red as they come. The left is very angry Roussef's is being impeached because she belongs to a supposed working class party. Hasn't stopped them from being hugely corrupt though the left wants to whitewash all that. I mean, after all, how can a worker's party be corrupt? She and her predecessor Lula da Silva have presided over some of the most corrupt practices imaginable since they've been in power. But, of course, they like to pretend it's all antb68agonism because they are left wing and they are being ousted from power by a coup. Typical reaction.
As far as his politics are concerned, VM is an idiot, IMO. I'll bet my right arm he supports that totalitarian bastard Maduro in Venezuela.
As far as his politics are concerned, VM is an idiot, IMO. I'll bet my right arm he supports that totalitarian bastard Maduro in Venezuela.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
I agree with you Wplains about Viggo's politics. The man is very left wing.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
As far as his politics are concerned, VM is an idiot, IMO.
Actors should shut their mouths about other country's politics. Their job is to act, not impose some sort of magical peer pressure on some members of their screen audience.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Any one is intitled to their opinion.
Do I believe actors should attempt to sway fans, no.
However Viggo Mortensen attended St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, earning a bachelor's degree in Politics. Which unlike some people who use their fame (although most do so for good causes) he at least has some education on the subject.
People of the globe have more in common then they know:
We all have governments and public media that feed us BS.
I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it
Do I believe actors should attempt to sway fans, no.
However Viggo Mortensen attended St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, earning a bachelor's degree in Politics. Which unlike some people who use their fame (although most do so for good causes) he at least has some education on the subject.
People of the globe have more in common then they know:
We all have governments and public media that feed us BS.
I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
If he supports Dilma Roussef he cannot have the slightest idea about Brazilian politics.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
well at least he's lived on the continent.
Anyone is intitled to their opinion5b4.
We all have governments and public media that feed us BS.
I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it
Anyone is intitled to their opinion5b4.
We all have governments and public media that feed us BS.
I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Her name's Dilma Rousseff, actually. Notice the spelling of her surname, which you have consistently misspelt.
And despite your claims to the contrary, you don't have much of an idea either - just a right-wing view of the world which biases all your opinions.
And why on earth you have those ridiculous little figures as your signature makes you look like a 12 year old posting. Then again, maybe you are.
And despite your claims to the contrary, you don't have much of an idea either - just a right-wing view of the world which biases all your opinions.
And why on earth you have those ridiculous little figures as your signature makes you look like a 12 year old posting. Then again, maybe you are.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
A missing "f" that is somewhat petty. Sounds like this is personal. And wouldn't it be more proper to use "misspelled", although the usage of "misspelt" is acceptable in the "Free Dictionary" of this world? Since we're being trivial, I thought I'd point it out.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Yes, this is personal. It has several years of being personal. WP doesn't care and I'm baffled as to why you should.
And no, I have no intention of using misspelled. The first entry for misspell on google gives the past tense as misspelt. Either is perfectly acceptable and I prefer the irregular rather than the regularised version, as it recognises the origin of the word, and as I am English and have been taught (rather than teached) these spellings.
And no, I have no intention of using misspelled. The first entry for misspell on google gives the past tense as misspelt. Either is perfectly acceptable and I prefer the irregular rather than the regularised version, as it recognises the origin of the word, and as I am English and have been taught (rather than teached) these spellings.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Hello Grimes, what's the missing f about? Is it an unpolite word?
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Hi Wp, it would be more fun if it were. But no, it's all about the spelling of Dilma Rousseff's name! And apparently it's personal! What a silly thing to get all up in arms about! LOL! It seems catpedal isn't too fond of you. I can't imagine why that would be. You have such a likable personality! And why bother over one missing "f"? I told her it was a bit petty.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Ah ok. On little f eh? What a difference that makes, haha. Nah Catty doesn't like me because I dare to criticize her God Come To Earth otherwise known as Viggo Mortensen . Has her sidekick Samantha turned up yet? Where you find one, you usually find the other. They used to patrol the Viggo movie boards making sure no one ever criticized even one of his movies, lol! They were quite amusing and good for a couple of laughs.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
No so far it's just catpedal. Nobody else. As you can read I find it quite petty and unnecessary to point out one missing "f". She seems to have an issue with your signature line as well. I kind of like those little guys! Would miss them if they were gone. It shows your spirit Wp, and I like that!
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Wp's sig has been there for over a year, and I dont recall it even being added because of this board. It beats text sigs any day of the week. I might add one
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Couldn't agree with you more Dani. Love your little critters too!
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Not nearly as amusing as your little opinions, wp. What a laugh. Treating this board as your personal space, friends with someone who pretended to be dead then came back to gloat over your gullibility! That was very satisfying, since I'd called him on his/her bs for weeks and weeks.
Ignorance and silliness, just ignorance and silliness. Really, so many pathetic attempts to
But no. Viggo has turned out to be a pretty good guy, a very highly respected actor who continues to make thoughtful, entertaining and demanding films. Yes, I prefer to like the guy, and I still think fondly of the mockery we as a board made of wp's accusation that we worshipped the guy. Oh, what fun we had.
Ignorance and silliness, just ignorance and silliness. Really, so many pathetic attempts to
But no. Viggo has turned out to be a pretty good guy, a very highly respected actor who continues to make thoughtful, entertaining and demanding films. Yes, I prefer to like the guy, and I still think fondly of the mockery we as a board made of wp's accusation that we worshipped the guy. Oh, what fun we had.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
friends with someone who pretended to be dead then came back to gloat over your gullibility!
I still think fondly of the mockery we as a board made of wp's accusation
Sounds like cyberbullying to me.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
I have no idea why you want to understand the history of this board. Wp knows what I mean. I'm not backtracking to fill you in, I'm afraid. I'm sure she'd give you her own version of events if you asked her, although she might leave out the way her pal fooled her.
Rubbish. It was the most affectionate mockery, the funniest stories, the most entertainment written by a group of friends. Wp and co could have been part of it - or at least an appreciative audience, but that's not what happened.
And that's where I'll leave it, because the fun on the board died years ago.
Rubbish. It was the most affectionate mockery, the funniest stories, the most entertainment written by a group of friends. Wp and co could have been part of it - or at least an appreciative audience, but that's not what happened.
And that's where I'll leave it, because the fun on the board died years ago.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
I'm not backtracking
You already did.
WTF are actors' boards the absolute worst on imdb? Constant bloody drama from drama llamas. Giant sandpits.
Re: Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil
Oh I see - cutting some words from my post and then attacking them, eh? Too obvious decontextualizing going on there, pal.
Actually, it was all one very happy sandpits with some playing very happily. It was all just humans being humans, and I really don't see how this could be classified as "the absolute worst". Wars are much worse.
See what I did there?
Actually, it was all one very happy sandpits with some playing very happily. It was all just humans being humans, and I really don't see how this could be classified as "the absolute worst". Wars are much worse.
See what I did there?
This is absolutely personal!
I don'16d0t see what you did there. I just see poor grammar! Or am I confused? What point are you trying to make? And why are you going about it in such a strange manner?
Wars are much worst?
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Thanks for pointing out my typo. I type quickly but inaccurately.
Since I wasn't making a point to you, it wouldn't make any sense to you.
Strange manner? What's strange about it? You weigh in on a discussion which has nothing to do with you, and then call my post strange?
Honestly, reality isn't nearly as exciting as this.
Since I wasn't making a point to you, it wouldn't make any sense to you.
Strange manner? What's strange about it? You weigh in on a discussion which has nothing to do with you, and then call my post strange?
Honestly, reality isn't nearly as exciting as this.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Since I wasn't making a point to you, it wouldn't make any sense to you.
It wont make sense to anyone. I said celebrity boards are the worst on imdb, you know, as opposed to other boards on imdb like movies and tv shows. You then bring wars into it? Que?
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Last I checked this discussion board was for EVERYONE and since you are taking issue with my friends, I opted to weigh in! Obviously your post didn't make sense to danloki either! See, I'm not alone!
Re: This is absolutely personal!
We must be confused to think this is a public discussion board, Sheriff. It's obviously that poster's blog and she gets to dictate who can respond in threads. How did we stumble upon a private blog, I wonder.
As I said, the celebrity boards on imdb are the worst for the drama llama antics.
Back to Viggo, I wonder what genre he'll take on next, and when. He seems to spread his roles out quite a lot.
As I said, the celebrity boards on imdb are the worst for the drama llama antics.
Back to Viggo, I wonder what genre he'll take on next, and when. He seems to spread his roles out quite a lot.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
If either of you actually read what I wrote, my extraction of a few words out of context lead to a misunderstanding of the original point.
Oh well. Never mind. Back to your friends you go.
Oh well. Never mind. Back to your friends you go.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
You made no sense whatsoever. What was your point? I'll ask again because you seem to like to avoid questions - what does war have to do with imdb. This is a celebrity board not the politics board. And who are you to tell Grimes he cant post in a thread on a public discussion board?
Re: This is absolutely personal!
You appear to attempting to make an argument where there is none.
And this old, old argument, one wp utilises from time to time - I merely pointed out (no "you can't post" in my words) that since a comment was not directed at your pal, s/he was hardly likely to understand it. I could also point out that I'm fully within the rules to reply in the way that I did, so to ask "who am I to" is simply to repeat a fault you're trying to pin on me.
They can post to their heart's content - I'm fully aware of the rules of IMDB thanks.
This is tediously unproductive.
And this old, old argument, one wp utilises from time to time - I merely pointed out (no "you can't post" in my words) that since a comment was not directed at your pal, s/he was hardly likely to understand it. I could also point out that I'm fully within the rules to reply in the way that I did, so to ask "who am I to" is simply to repeat a fault you're trying to pin on me.
They can post to their heart's content - I'm fully aware of the rules of IMDB thanks.
This is tediously unproductive.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
You still havent answered the question. 3 times lucky: What does war have to do with boards on imdb? That just came out of nowhere. Are you a drunk poster by any chance? I like drunk posters. It's fun trying to figure out what their ramblings mean and why they suddenly seem to be speaking an alien lingo.
Another question, you laughed about the good old days on the board with a gang mocking Wp. Sounds like dog piling which is cyber bullying. How is that affectionate? That's pretty warped to think it was just for fun, shts and giggles.
It was nonsensical.
Did I claim otherwise? Doesnt mean he has to take any notice of it.
Where did I say anything about IMDB5b4 rules? Thanks.
Yes, would make a lot more sense if you stopped avoiding questions so that people knew what on earth you're on about. Maybe I should drink what you;re drinking so I can get into your mind frame
Another question, you laughed about the good old days on the board with a gang mocking Wp. Sounds like dog piling which is cyber bullying. How is that affectionate? That's pretty warped to think it was just for fun, shts and giggles.
since a comment was not directed at your pal, s/he was hardly likely to understand it.
It was nonsensical.
I'm fully within the rules to reply in the way that I did
Did I claim otherwise? Doesnt mean he has to take any notice of it.
I'm fully aware of the rules of IMDB thanks.
Where did I say anything about IMDB5b4 rules? Thanks.
This is tediously unproductive.
Yes, would make a lot more sense if you stopped avoiding questions so that people knew what on earth you're on about. Maybe I should drink what you;re drinking so I can get into your mind frame
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Read my original post. Not that it'll help, I'm sure, but the answer to your question lies there.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
I'm not interested in wading back through the thread to reread your original post. This is a discussion board so in the spirit of discussion, I've asked you for some clarification on WHAT WAR IN THE WORLD HAS TO DO WITH IMDB'S CELEBRITY BOARDS and how dogpiling/cyberbullying in your mind is affectionate, especially when directed at someone you obviously despise.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Oh. Okay. I won't bother any further either, then
Re: This is absolutely personal!
LMAO. Just as I thought. I can totally see why Wp doesnt like you. You're on a discussion board and dont know how to have a discussion.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Thanks for the judgement, danloki.
You've manufactures a "discussion" aka argument and I've not played the game.
Thanks for the judgement, danloki.
You've manufactures a "discussion" aka argument and I've not played the game.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
What are you drinking? I'm on a need to know basis.
Oh you most certainly did play the game, dear. It's called the bait and avoid game. Nice trolling.
If Wp rubs you up the wrong way so much and has done so for years, how about you figure out how to use the ignore function. Oh that's right, because then you wouldnt be able to continue with your affectionate mockery and passive aggression.
Stans. Never ceases to amaze me how they live in a totally different world.
Oh you most certainly did play the game, dear. It's called the bait and avoid game. Nice trolling.
If Wp rubs you up the wrong way so much and has done so for years, how about you figure out how to use the ignore function. Oh that's right, because then you wouldnt be able to continue with your affectionate mockery and passive aggression.
Stans. Never ceases to amaze me how they live in a totally different world.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Well, thank you again. Such advice, so freely given!
And as I usually say to those who mention passive aggression as if it were The Worst Sin Ever, I can do active aggression if you like, but it hardly seems worth the effort. You seem to have passive aggression, viz "how about you figure out oh that's right" down to a t anyway.
A totally different world? WOW! Can I play in that world now? Because I'm really rather boring in the real world.
What a world of criticism you have concocted, all over something you know nothing about.
And as I usually say to those who mention passive aggression as if it were The Worst Sin Ever, I can do active aggression if you like, but it hardly seems worth the effort. You seem to have passive aggression, viz "how about you figure out oh that's right" down to a t anyway.
A totally different world? WOW! Can I play in that world now? Because I'm really rather boring in the real world.
What a world of criticism you have concocted, all over something you know nothing about.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
LMAO! I think danloki is well versed in every fine grain of what you think she knows nothing about! This is just hilarious to me!
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Grimes, my good pal, I know nothing, and I know this because the crazy cat lady told me so. It's her private blog after all.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
"what you think she knows nothing about"
Oh, I know the whole thing is a play, Grimes. But you don't think I'm actually telling the truth, do you?
I just want to dig down and see just how nasty danloki could get. Looks from the descent into "girly", that I've been entirely successful.
Glad to be so entertaining!
Oh, I know the whole thing is a play, Grimes. But you don't think I'm actually telling the truth, do you?
I just want to dig down and see just how nasty danloki could get. Looks from the descent into "girly", that I've been entirely successful.
Glad to be so entertaining!
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Girly, I have absolutely no idea about your war with Wp apart from what I've seen in this thread. You're not important enough for her to tell me about on the side.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Oh, she won't tell you anything beyond what she says here - that apparently I'm never seen without Samantha, that I won't let anyone say anything bad about Mortensen and that we both worship the ground he treads on. Oh, and that she's got me on ignore (which she hasn't).
There's nothing more sinister going on, and she's well capable to standing up to anything either of us said and giving more than she got.
Girly? What are you - an old fogey sitting on the back porch trying to figure out who I might be? It sound so - old-fashioned somehow. Girly - hmmmm. If it's meant to be a put-down, it ain't workin', buster.
There's nothing more sinister going on, and she's well capable to standing up to anything either of us said and giving more than she got.
Girly? What are you - an old fogey sitting on the back porch trying to figure out who I might be? It sound so - old-fashioned somehow. Girly - hmmmm. If it's meant to be a put-down, it ain't workin', buster.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
an old fogey sitting on the back porch trying to figure out who I might be?
This is the internet so I can be any age you want me to be. As for trying to figure out who you might beI have no interest in who you are. You bore me.
Grimes, are you going to be watching this in October? I think Viggo would have been great in it. Great cast.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
This is the internet so I can be any age you want me to be.
Not denying it, then. Not that there's any shame in being an old fogey - it's just that "girly" is a very strange choice of name for me
You bore me.
Since you questioned me so closely and are still writing to me, that's a very odd statement. But whatever. Pursue things that bore you by all means. It's a public discussion board - you only have to follow the IMDb rules and you're okay.
And on a very different note - nice to see Viggo's co-star from A History of Violence and Appaloosa, Ed Harris, in Westworld. It's my understanding that Viggo doesn't want to get tied down to a long-running show, especially if that means he can't live in Madrid, but that is speculation. If he's gearing up to direct his own script next year - since he seems to have the finances tied down - maybe he wants to stay clear of long-term commitments of other kinds.
And I'm hoping to see Captain Fantastic tomorrow.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Yes, it looks promising! You are right, it has a great cast! And Viggo's pal Ed Harris is in it too!
Re: This is absolutely personal!
High end budget, too, and lots of nudity so Viggo would have been cool with that.
Really looking forward to this. I love Hopkins and Harris. Plus I was a Yul Brynner stan when I was a kid and loved the movie.
Really looking forward to this. I love Hopkins and Harris. Plus I was a Yul Brynner stan when I was a kid and loved the movie.
Re: This is absolutely personal!
Yup, looks good alright! It will be a hoot to watch! Just kind of odd getting used to a futuristic/Western mix, at least for me! I may struggle with that a bit!
Viggo Mortensen supports a deeply corrupt government of Brazil