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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

u are right, i guess. it is sad, but i still have hope in Mystical/FrTT. she's got a good heart underneath all the misanthropy and she usually gets it right.

as for the other contrarians here, yep, they're a bunch of selfish, heartless egomaniacs alienating themselves more and more from humanity. fortunately, according to public poll numbers, they're still in the minority and much more people are pro-vaxx than anti-vaxx, so there is hope left.

shh bby is ok

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I fail to see how a 9 year old would die to covid when they should be in lockdown at home where it is safe. Didn't the government say that kids are generally safe from covid? odd.gif

The goverment have done nothing but ramble on how the elderly are vunerable and younger and middle aged are less prone to suffer due to their healthy immune system, so the figures you provide above probably had underlying health conditions.

Our knightingale hospital which was specifically for covid cases didn't even get one admission over here in England (iirc. Could be wrong but it certainly wasn't overflowing in the slightest) so I cannot comment on hospitals overflowing in other dumbass countries.

Ignorant, sad, selfish and pathetic that you and others wouldn't get vaccinated to help not only save your life but yes, help prevent spreading this killing virus to the rest of humanity.

Selfish pricks the lot of you all.

Why you resorting to insults? You sound like a bitter, old ****. laugh.gif MY BODY MY CHOICE INIT LILITH

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I remember when the MSM excitedly informed us of one of the first childhood covid deaths.
Quite a few months into Coronamania I believe this was.
Before I even looked at the kid's photo I knew he'd have three chins.
Turned out I was wrong. He had 4.


Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Each to their own and all that but I won't have some hag sit and insult me for MY choice. I don't sit and call her a dumb ****ing retard for getting the vaccine, I respect her choice. Shame someone 10+ years my senior isn't wise or respectable enough to do the same. Really funny how people's true colours come out in the end. Vile bitch.

And tbf she came outta nowhere back on imdb and she knew who everyone was so she's probably a sock lmao.

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

She, they, strike me as very ordinary, common, conventional…unfortunately.
CoronaPanic has further exposed and deepened two
glaring deficits in contemporary , particularly "Western", humanity…
acceptance of personal responsibility for our own health and acceptance of human mortality.


Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Do spare us the fake and unfounded concern for our lives.

We're fine. Even despite tens of millions
of parasites feeding on us for a year and a half.


Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

And why would governments want to scare people to stay home? In order that they pay less sales taxes? That businesses that are struggling would pay less taxes? That governments would want to pay more for health care?

Does that make sense to you? Who benefits, and how?

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Fear mongering has always been a useful commodity to keep the herd down. They DO NOT care about the little man. Small businesses are not important to the elite wealthy corporations, which governments are in the pocket of and corps are owning the media too.

The elitists are benefitting, always have. DO NOT trust government. They pretend to care about life and then will plunge people into wars. Just look at last century. Taxation is a fallacy too, but people are too dense to realize that too.

Norman! What did you put in my tea?

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I hate when government is captured by business interests. Hate it!

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Nobody's ignoring that.
The incessant sniveling, preaching and shrieking along those lines has been impossible to ignore.
The economic sabotage and political exploitation and suppression of personal freedom and choice and expression and opportunity enabled and perpetuated by that ubercollective mindset has been impossible to ignore.
The cynical exploitation of that mindset for varying degrees of plunder and profit have been impossible to ignore.

Now you're asking healthy people to get medical treatment for YOUR sake.
As one of the former I say no. Hard no.
You have three choices. Stay away from me, take your
chances around me or die. I'm fine with any of them.
As for the dead I have even less concern, if that's possible,
which come to think of it it isn't, for any risks my unvaccinated status
might pose to their health.


Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

strangers who may have compromised immune system

That's their problem for risking their own life going out where it is uncertain whether it is safe or not, as it is any anti-vaxxers refusing the vaccine.

Can I ask for your opinion on why people who have had the vaccine are so mad at people not taking it? People vaccinated are protected are they not? So what's the difference. Is it the doubt eating away at their mind that it could infact be useless?

I fail to comprehend how anyone other than the anti-vaxxers would be suffering. giveup.gif

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Sorry, I don't talk to bitter, old ***** that have to resort to insults when I'm trying to have a serious discussion.

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Such a boring topic.

Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Gtfo the thread then nobody is forcing you to read it laugh.gif

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Too bad Lilith is the only person of her kind, on here.

Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

And thankfully you're the only of your kind here.

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I guess I was more attractive when I was more of an individual.

Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Never seen such immaturity from a woman of a mature age. Don't talk to me.

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Oh and btw your title is so contradicting.

Ofc there are more unvaccinated deaths because the vaccine wasn't around for the first ****ing year!

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Yea, you don't really put yourself out there.

Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

51271278430_2af1e27835.jpgUntitled by Christina Barrett, on Flickr

People here are usually sensitive to their environment.

Yea, you're one of the reasons I am happy.

…I like how you post a lot like Sophie. It's nice to have icing on the cake, though, like NZer. laugh.gif She's another reason, of course.. but I haven't seen much lately, and I am not a Twitter person, who just pecks a few words out a day.

I know NZer is smart when she does post, though, be it because her name is that of New Zealand. It's like candy to a baby for Americans. wink.gif Quite literally, I'd imagine..

Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I can be a decoration!

Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated


Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I had piano cakes. I've picked out a few princess ones, too. The piano ones were homemade, like when I turned 10 soon after starting! biggrin.gif

Mom's Chinese-Indonesian … ?
Dad's ¼ Irish French German ¼ Irish Swiss German French Dutch … ?

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I'm rooting pretty hard for this Delta variant.

Could clear a lotta dead wood if it's all it's cracked up to be.


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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

You're abandoning even the slightest pretense of logic or consistency now.



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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

You've repeatedly expressed fear of the risks posed to your health by
healthy people refusing medical treatment.

Now you're saying you want them all to get covid.

I guess that's what 18 months of panic and dependency does to people.
Scrambles their brains a bit.


Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated


Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated


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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

Oh, so that was sarcasm .

Now then, feel free to quote me insulting or denouncing science here.
Oh wait…. you can't …. nevermind.
How the f8ck could anyone "insult science", anyway ?
Would science's feelings be hurt if we did ?
Or perhaps you consider yourself the personification of science.

Cold hearted, yes…guilty as charged let's move on.

You're angry because I make MY decisions based on
what's right for me rather than what's right for you ?
Go ahead and exercise that right to your heart's content.
Break stuff. Kick your dog. I'll be over here not giving a ****.

Not sure who you might think has gained new or extra authorization to
"restrict my movements" lately. I haven't noticed any change myself.
I'll be moving about 3500 miles this week and 10,000 the week after.

Lastly, as of today
I am no longer "ignorant" of your fears and feelings and preferences.
I'll just be completely disregarding them.


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Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

I'm not talking to society here.
I'm talking you one member of it, you,
who thinks I should get medical treatment
I neither want nor need, for her benefit.
That is never ever going to happen.
You're deranged. Anyone who shares your view is deranged.
I have abstained from medical products and services for
virtually my entire life. When and if I ever deviate from
that policy it will be for MY benefit,
in accordance with MY interests, as assessed by ME.


Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

You're deranged. Anyone who shares your view is deranged.


Wanting for others to live up to their own expectations which is "inconsequential" to them is also amoral and uncovers a lost soul.

Norman! What did you put in my tea?

Re: Nearly all covid deaths in US are among unvaccinated

We are talking about a global pandemic here, where people around the world are and have been dying in droves.
Human death has always been a pandemic with people dying in droves from a myriad of issues.

Is Covid decimating the human population? Why then does the world population increase by the millions every year?

Norman! What did you put in my tea?

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