The Soapbox : Day one off meds

Day one off meds

So far my mood sucks

Jesus Christ is Lord ✝️

Re: Day one off meds

If your up for a fight check out grosvenor road
or if you can hold it in wait until boxingday and fight at Windsor park

Re: Day one off meds


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Re: Day one off meds


300lb and beautiful

Re: Day one off meds

But your beard rocks.

Vlad did nothing wrong.

Re: Day one off meds

Did you arrange this with your Doc Milez? Obviously don't know your medical situation but they'll wean you off it safely/gradually if you ask… it's a v.bad idea to just go off them "cold turkey" so to speak. Take care.

Re: Day one off meds

She’s been posting the same topic every few days for the past 5 years. No, she hasn’t done it with medical guidance.

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Re: Day one off meds

Is that why you have a crazy trench stare?

Re: Day one off meds

I had to go back on then again my head was Away and I’ve ate loads today I give up

Jesus Christ is Lord ✝️