The Soapbox : Can anyone understand Ulysses

Can anyone understand Ulysses

The motherfucker makes no sense.

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

The book is actually one of my favourites..

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

Man, I kinda hoped he/she/they were talking about the book, too.

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

Homer was blind, fool! And the correct name is The Odyssey. Damn Roman copycats.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

Thought they meant James Joyce's Ulysses

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

Oh, I'm going back too far.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

I'm not a highly intelligent guy but I don't think it's as hard to understand as people make out imo.

Stream of consciousness account of an Irish Jews' day - his wife's cheating on him but decides to stick with him in the end after a saucy punctuation free monologue. The Jewish guy meets up with the author's angsty self-insert character along the way and the whole thing is modelled on the structure of Homer's Odyssey with various chapters that are experiments with different literary forms.

Finnegan's Wake on the other hand…

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

I've never read Ulysses. I'm not sure how my high school English teacher missed that one. She turned me on to so many other classics. Mrs Thompson RIP.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

He means the Steve lake sock , you nerds.

"You had me at Elk Tartare"
-Erin Wotherspoon

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

I know he's taking about the sock. I prefer to rise above such nonsense.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses


"Once More, Ackbar Will Rule the Galaxy, and… We Shall Have Peace."

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

I learned about these classics when I took the English Literature class last year at the university. That's also when I was introduced to Dante's Inferno, which is my favorite. But the interesting thing about Dante's Inferno is that I took those events in the book as a means how Dante suffered in real life and all these pains influenced Dante to write The Divine Comedy especially after he lost his beloved, Beatrice. Politics is another reason for the influence. Poor Dante. He was an unfortunate soul but he did finish the story.

Odysseus was a cool character, even though he's probably a real historical figure after some archaeological work back in 2010 (or later, I can't remember). He went through so much to try to get home from the war that lasted ten years. At least the discovery was found according to this article:,hero%20of%20Homer's%20epic%20poem.&text=They%20believe%20that%20the%208th,was%20a%20real%20historical%20figure.

I hope a bear throw a book at you, moon at you, and do a tap dance wearing a thong and leather boots.

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

Interesting that the Roman pagan Virgil is Dante's guide through Hell. I'm not quite sure of Dante's motivation. It's such a beautiful work. And like Milton's "Paradise" Lost" it ironically becomes a paean to Satan.

I have no doubt that the story of the Odyssey is based in fact.

"filmboards is a bold experiment in free speech and anarchy"
I GameBoy

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses


BTW, the audio on this clip is terrible!


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

I'm referring to the moron here who goes by that name

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

It's certainly not the most accessible of Joyce's writings. If you're interested, I recommend you'd start with "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man".

Hey, it's a kind of magic!

Re: Can anyone understand Ulysses

That novel is hard to read because most of the references in it are either outdated or so tightly related to Dublin culture that it makes no sense to outsiders. I've tried to read it twice but having to look up the references every second sentence becomes tedious.

I just read the cliffnotes. yes.gif

Alba gu bràth