Suggestions, requests, questions, and bugs : Avatar Lives Matter … Single quote fix in [url=…%27…]

Avatar Lives Matter … Single quote fix in [url=…%27…]

… life being animation. @nimda's brother should have made it work for all of us!
rPgVgkq.gif by @Cerridwen
» Yesterday(June 09, 2020 12:37 PM) Flag | Send PM | Reply |
Member since November 12, 2019
Yes. Nimda's brother did it for me.

I'm keeping my dead froggy avatar until justice prevails. When he moves the protest will end. Won't film|boards save some cloud space by allowing us to link directly to those GIFs as was done in this special dispensation?

Another suggestion: Beef up the [img][/img] tag to give us some resizing options. TIA!

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Re: Avatar Lives Matter …

Animated avatars would be easy if they don't have to be resized. When it comes to resizing an arbitrary aspect ratio gif into a 48x48 size, that's when it becomes an issue. This is because the upload process would require some image/frame processing, and that sort of thing isn't the most intuitive for general web coding. It's heavy backend stuff, so don't hold it against your admins if they're not able to fathom it. I may take a look into it, but it's probably more work than it's worth.

What kind of resizing options are you talking about? Option-based markup would throw a wrench into the general markup schema. Things like aligned images and aligned video embeds are easier, but resizing can become a pain.

Happiness is a warm… yes it is… GUN!

👍 Avatar Lives Matter …

I was referring mainly to images in the body of posts. I see that your avatar is not resized, but mine is: 150px × 150px (scaled to 48px × 48px). The converted JPG is also one-tenth the file size of the 290x290 GIF in the body. If resizing is a problem, linked GIFs could be limited to 48x48.

I thought there might be a problem when I discovered that animated GIFs stored on MS OneDrive don't move when linked–even when not resized.

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Re: Avatar Lives Matter …

That's the most annoying animation I've ever seen. You really are an obnoxious woman.

🐸 Avatar Lives Matter …

It annoys me too, but mainly because it is a special dispensation. I will change it immediately when there is equal treatment of animated GIFs.

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¿December Fools?

For a few hours today, my NOT JACKY avatar turned into an animated GIF. I came back later and it reverted to a JPG. I uploaded the GIF version I had saved and it was converted to a JPG.

What's going on @nimda? Did your brother decide to mess with me or is he actually working on GIF support?

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¿December Fools?

we were just trying it out to see how it looked. turned out it was pretty damn annoying, so we reverted it back to the original.

here was the gif:


¿December Fools?

cooldance.gif bigeek.gif confused.gif explode.gif eyes.gif frozen.gif kiss.gif devilconf.gif laugh.gif roll2.gif sleep.gif giveup.gif help.gif sad6.gif hmm.gif cooldance2.gif

Do you find my header annoying also? Was @Jared Kushner's username an experiment? I see that it has reverted also.

One area I would like to see restricted is usernames. Allowing unicode opens up the door for spoofing with those Russian letters etc. To soften the blow you could allow user-defined text colors and background pictures. It must be a chore for some users to log in on another computer that hasn't saved their emoji logins. I have emoji usernames on proboards, but they are separate from my ASCII logins.

BTW, did that emoji-laden …

👹💀😈🤖👣👗👘😀🎩👑💋🚫👻 I'm not Sophie 👻🚫👓🎃🍄🌸🌻🌹🌺🍁💐🎋🍷🎂🍬🍭🍰👾🎬

… thread overburden your system in any way? I hadn't been able to figure out how the link fails in the [url][/url] tag, but works OK without it.'m-not-Sophie-%F0%9F%91%BB%F0%9F%9A%AB%F0%9F%91%93%F0%9F%8E%83%F0%9F%8D%84%F0%9F%8C%B8%F0%9F%8C%BB%F0%9F%8C%B9%F0%9F%8C%BA%F0%9F%8D%81%F0%9F%92%90%F0%9F%8E%8B%F0%9F%8D%B7%F0%9F%8E%82%F0%9F%8D%AC%F0%9F%8D%AD%F0%9F%8D%B0%F0%9F%91%BE%F0%9F%8E%AC-3325759/

"It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes."

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¿December Fools?

That link fails because of the way the url tag parses options passed to it. Quotation marks are special characters and the apostrophe in "I'm" messes it up.

¡December Fools!

Thanks! With that information I was able to fix the link. What I'm wondering now is … are you able to see how I fixed it?

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¡December Fools!

URL-encoded apostrophe.

Single quote = %27

It took another year and a half for this to come up for me again. Others need to know to substitute %27 for the apostrophe inside the [url=LINK] portion of the tag. Not a big enough issue to fix I suppose.

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