Music General : Who is this song by?

Who is this song by?

Is it just for these ads?

If we take the time to see with the heart and not with the mind, we shall see that we are surrounded completely by angels ~ Carlos Santana

Re: Who is this song by?

Quick search says it's Barry White

Re: Who is this song by?

Thanks, I saw that too but it's not him in the ad

If we take the time to see with the heart and not with the mind, we shall see that we are surrounded completely by angels ~ Carlos Santana

Re: Who is this song by?

His name came up during the concept meeting for the commercial but the team decided against contacting him for two reasons:

1. his name would be too controversial for the current times
2. he's dead.

+ It sure looks like it's dead. Let's eat. +

Re: Who is this song by?

Makes sense

If we take the time to see with the heart and not with the mind, we shall see that we are surrounded completely by angels ~ Carlos Santana