The Walking Dead : Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

besides all the Orson parody socks, i've come to the conclusion that his sock army is even bigger and much more varied than we've all dared to think. comparing posting styles with one another and considering the way each sock on the following list was interacting with mostly TWD people, it's definitely one from that board and after revealing to be all those Orson accounts, i really cannot put anything past him now concerning socks. i really do believe we underestimated the scope of Bentley's game for far too long. here are the sock accounts that i'm suspecting (not knowing) to be Bentley's:

+Knock out pretty
+Styg's overuse of the laugh emoji
+love10 out of nowhere
+Plagiarizing Necromancer
+Sophie is mean!
+Sophie translator
+Sophie meltdown alert
+obligatory misc1 for Sophie's lunacy
+Screen-cap saving weirdo
+Never taking hungry off my ignore
+Disco infernah
+Asian Style


suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

What, all my pretty chickens, and their dam, At one fell swoop? (Macbeth)

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…


suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Is that you on an acid trip? 😂

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

no, it's me laughing hysterically at my victory. 😂😂😂

suck it.

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Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

don't be sad, i like u, too Snailey. our friendship will survive this!! love10.gif

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

It's dsnailey666!

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…


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Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

awww thanks. smile.gif kiss.gif

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Hahaha! I didn't notice your name there. This is hilarious!

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Why is Snailey a funny name?

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

It's not the name (though that's quite funny). It's the fact that Sophie thought a sock that is assiduously praising her should be run by me.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Bentley has lots of socks, but they’re all throwaway non-entities.

I made lots of random socks that brought fun to the masses. I guess this is why I’m a great poster and Bentley will forever be in my shadow. He has no creativity.

His response to this is irrelevant because he used to wax lyrical about my socks laugh.gif.

Hep: "I'll post a topless picture if you do the same ;)"

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Christ, Orsie, you genuinely sound as if you're going bonkers! I have no socks, dude!

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

I have no socks, dude!

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…



suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Hmmmmm. This is interesting theory indeed. Ill see if Im dbentley and get back to you.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

sounds good to me! yes.gif

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Turns out I was dbentley all this time.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

YESSS actually this was a complete stab in the dark hahaha!! got ya!!

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

What gave it away? Was it my elegant dbentleyesq prose? Next time Imma type like idiot so you cant finger me out gheghehehe

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

LOL i don't know what gave it away actually, intuition mostly and i just went with it. smile.gif

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

+Knock out pretty
+Styg's overuse of the laugh emoji
+love10 out of nowhere
+Plagiarizing Necromancer
+Sophie is mean!
+Sophie translator
+Sophie meltdown alert
+obligatory for Sophie's lunacy
+Never taking hungry off my ignore
+screen-capping weirdo
+Disco infernah
+Asian Style


Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…



suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Lol some of these are my fav socks (currently)

come here

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

They are hilarious!

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

hey me too! i actually really like more than half of them.

suck it.

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Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

ohhh i like u a lot!! u are currently my fav sock!! i think u are very cool and very nice urself. yes.gif and i'm really glad u are here!! aura.gif

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

A couple of those are actually mine.

I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

I am literally sitting here shaking with laughter!

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

ok. let me guess which ones those are: 1. Hungry's_Apprentice.

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…


I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

that's a yes.

u are also: 2. Never taking hungry off my ignore

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…


I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

i take that as a yes as well.

and that's it. gotcha!

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

You forgot the other one.

I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

yeah, Hungry's_Apprentice. we already covered this one, remember?

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

No, there's another one aside from that one. You forgot all about it.

I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

yes, Never taking hungry off my ignore giveup.gif

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

No, not that one. The other one.

I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

I Am Rocketman?

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

No, you are Sophie.

I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

phew, thank god!

suck it.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Go get anally raped by black cocks in prison gaylord.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Is that something you find yourself fantasizing about and jirking off to often? I’m afraid our relationship isn’t intimate enough for me to want to act out some of your fantasies for you, babie. Maybe ask your dad to do it when he leaves the hospital.

I live. I die. I live again.

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

Interesting theory!

Although I do think Styg’s overuse laugh emoji is Snow!

Re: Bentley's sock army, the plot thickens…

ohhh that is an interesting point. why do u think so?

suck it.