Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi : Trailer description

Trailer description

Have yall seen the trailer description yet? Think it's true, made up, or maybe a part of it is true

Re: Trailer description


| The Five-Star Man || The Golden God |

Re: Trailer description


Re: Trailer description

here you go man.

Re: Trailer description

Why do people do this? They start a thread without a link, when someone finally provides a link it's broken and the thread becomes a goose chase.

The OP should have provided a clickable link. Not some random person who comments later with a broken one.

Re: Trailer description

Or you could stop whining like a baby and just Google it yourself.

Re: Trailer description

I wasn't the one asking for the link, also it's the OP's responsibility. Not for everyone who comes here to google it.

clickable link

Re: clickable link

Sounds made up

Re: Trailer description

No, where is it?

Whatever you are, be a good one.

Re: Trailer description

Revealing Snoke in the trailer seems a bit of a stretch.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

Re: Trailer description

Is it that big a stretch though?

Re: Trailer description

Depends on what they mean by "revealing."
Revealing who he is? Or just showing him for a few seconds?