Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi : The reason for IMDb's decision

The reason for IMDb's decision


For any business, not just IMDb. If you ever ask, "why would they do that?" It's always money.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Nothing good comes from these forums anymore. It used to be awesome here back in the early 2000s, but now it is a festering sh*thole with zillions of trolls that makes it pretty hard to find any good discussion. Sadly, no one even visits pages for older movies. Post a comment on something old and wait 6 months to get a response. The first sentence said it all in their announcementnothing positive comes from the message forums anymore.

In the past, I would have been devastated. Now? I think its kind of funny. The trolls ruined it for everyone, including themselves.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision


Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

That's how they word it for you and the masses. You think they're just going to say "we're doing this because the higher ups just made a very profitable deal with?"

The REAL answer is money, not what you are quoting from their announcement post.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

It doesn't matter what their reason is, not to me. The place is still a festering sh*thole that deserves to be put out of its misery.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

I guess that makes you and everyone else here a miserable festering piece of sh*t.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Nope, as I don't live here like some of you weirdos do. I'm glad this place is going away, while the rest of you cry over it. You'll have to find something else to do with your time rather than post 60 comments per day on IMDb.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Nope, as I don't live here like some of you weirdos do.

^^ This. Also, there are too many weirdos with butthurt vendettas against Hollywood.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision


Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

We live in an age where everyone wants to see things fail. A rubbish age to live in. Your attitude is testament to that.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Get off your high horse. This place failed years ago and now it's paying the price.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Where will you go Solar? Where will you get your message board fix?

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Nowhere. I have other things to do and don't HAVE to have a message board.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

You are a miserable human being. Only someone who is miserable would spend time in a place they say they don't like.

Just look at your signature. You're disdain for others and opinion of yourself is pathetic.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Exactly! The trolls may have factored into the decision, but this came down to money. (The aggressive trolling has been going on for years). Either:

A) It became no longer cost effective for them to administrate and operate the message boards
B) They're trying to force the message board members into other website forums that they're investing in
C) They felt that the message boards commentary was having to much influence and power as a source for reviewing movies; and it could potentially sway interest in a way that they don't have enough control over. And this could potentially take money out of studios pockets.

It's as plain and simple (or as sophisticated) as that!

"The mission the nightmares there finally over." - ARCtrooper Fives

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Its not money its the trolls, read the message, if you read thru the lines its the trolls and spamming. I could understand money if was the whole website, but a message board cost pennies to run and operate

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

"You and the masses". Of course you're in the know, right?

Everybody understands how pointless these forums have become. Why do you have to look for a secret explanation?

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

A few days ago I started a thread discussing Rey's origins, it went nowhere. But look at all the hate threads about Rey being a Mary Sue.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

But look at all the hate threads about Rey being a Mary Sue.

How do threads about Rey being a Mary Sue constitute hate?

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

How do threads about Rey being a Mary Sue constitute hate?

Yeah, Ruby. Someone who has opinions about fictional female characters that differ from your own is NOT HATE or trolling.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

ruby destroyed the forums!!!

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Ruby tries to make an impact, but just makes a fool of herself. She lacks innate intelligence, self-awareness and is one the biggest superficial phonies around and can't see how transparent she is. Did anyone even side with her? Imagine having to deal with this feminazi in person.

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

So you and others like you, Luke, never engaged in misogynistic rants?

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Aren't we allowed to engage in misogynistic rants, just because you say so? You engage in sexist misandrist rants fool!

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

How do you define a "misogynistic rant"??

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

RubyRuthless doesn't knowjust as she doesn't know about much at allit just sounds cool and trendy for her to say it, because she thinks she has earned the right to be revered just for being born a b!tch.

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Nothing good comes from these forums anymore. It used to be awesome here back in the early 2000s, but now it is a festering sh*thole with zillions of trolls that makes it pretty hard to find any good discussion. Sadly, no one even visits pages for older movies. Post a comment on something old and wait 6 months to get a response. The first sentence said it all in their announcementnothing positive comes from the message forums anymore.

They should have hired or asked people to volunteer as moderators at least 5 years ago when all the *beep* heads arrived, but they didn't. They can still hire moderators and clean up the crap. Just block the bastards and carry on.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

They should have hired or asked people to volunteer as moderators at least 5 years ago when all the *beep* heads arrived, but they didn't. They can still hire moderators and clean up the crap. Just block the bastards and carry on.

Exactly. They could've have users here volunteer as trusted moderators to help take care and report those problems too. Volunteer users would earn their own status or badge that way, and face penalties if they break their own rules. I wouldn't mind volunteering for that kind of job had they asked me.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

SolarSailor, you have to hunt for the good discussion, so why do you feel so self-entitled and self-absorbed to think that everyone is going to kowtow to you and be on the same wavelength? There are 250million users on this database. Most peopleincluding yourself by the sound of itdon't even know the proper definition of a troll and misuse and misappropriate other terms as well, because they are misguided and like to play redundant blame games, that aren't founded on absolute truth or honesty. Most people are phonies, dense and simpleminded, and the past several years I have been posting on here, really shows how idiotic and in a state of inertia most of the human race is.

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Stop projecting. I stated my opinion and couldn't care less whether you or anyone else "kowtows". This was just an opportunity for you to politely try to insult me, which is representative of the butthurt attitude that prevails around here at every turn and why this place deserves to die. You got a problem with that? Well don't worry, you only have two more weeks and you'll never have to worry about it again.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

You are the one sounding butthurt, because others don't kowtow to your own whims. Typical! Now stop projecting your own fake and phony agenda, you are transparent and I can see through your game. That is why I called you out. Poor little butthurt projecting your blame game and being misguided where you lens it!

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

SolarSailor, you have to hunt for the good discussion, so why do you feel so self-entitled and self-absorbed to think that everyone is going to kowtow to you and be on the same wavelength? There are 250million users on this database. Most peopleincluding yourself by the sound of itdon't even know the proper definition of a troll and misuse and misappropriate other terms as well, because they are misguided and like to play redundant blame games, that aren't founded on absolute truth or honesty. Most people are phonies, dense and simpleminded, and the past several years I have been posting on here, really shows how idiotic and in a state of inertia most of the human race is.

He is a miserable person. He likes being unhappy.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

He is a miserable person. He likes being unhappy.

I have posted occasionally with SolarSailor before, but he sounds like he is getting worse and doesn't know how to deal with things that aren't going his way, so will project that onto others as though they are too blame. He likes to feel entitled as well. He is being his own worst enemy.

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

I have seen the guy around for years. He is miserable and elitist. Look at his signature for Christ's sake.

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Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

The thing is IY, the phony is claiming it is a s<>thole and posters have nothing better to do than post comment after comment; but of course this butthurt is really crying deep down inside, because he will have nothing to feel devastated about in having to wait 6 months for someone to respond to his self-absorbed narcissism.

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

You are not OWED a response in 6 months or 6 years. You use the imdb board of free will, with no expectations like a spoiled child who was pampered through life.

The level of nitpicky lunacy in your post is hilarious! Nowhere did I say I was owed a response, you silly boob. Again, this mentality is why people can't have a normal discussion about anything.

Your pseudo-psychology is embarrassing to look at. And please, stop responding to yourself with your alternate account, LOL! Whatever shall you do after fourteen days have passed?

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

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Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

13 more days, booby!

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

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Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

12 more days, booby!

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Post a comment on something old and wait 6 months to get a response.

Depends on what you mean by old? I find that a lot of kiddies (those I diddle and those that are too old for me; i.e. 12 and over) think a movie from the '90s as archaic.
But if you mean "old", in the actual sense, say, for example Sh! The Octopus, getting a response out of anybody there in a timely fashion has always been rare. even back in the early 2000's.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

@thesolarsailers, The Trolls didn't ruin it. It was the people complaining about the trollsthe ones who couldn't handle it, and didn't know how to use the ignore button, or how to just ignore them in general.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

That's true too. Long ago, I used to try to get people to stop feeding trolls, but they just couldn't resist.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Yep I say good riddance to the IMDB message boards

They died a slow painful death

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

I sadly agree with the decision.

Toxicity is at an all time high on the internet.

What I do disagree with is losing the benefits of open communication with other people. Especially in this Trump era, it's important to see like minded people connect, even about movies.

But again, too many trolls. It had to be done.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

right, because toxic users means the best decision on the interest is to potentially silence everyone and remove comments and discussion. How ridiculous

This will end up hurting the site in visits dramatically, I guarantee you. and its a slap in the face to the posters who have added Trivia and tons of content for IMDB over the years

also: the upkeep of the forums money wise is like nothing, the format of the boards is simple and takes up like no server space and most of the moderating is done by bots.

This is simply a decision to control their pages and content and stop users from having any influence on whether people go to movies or like the content that IMDB posts

she fell through a hole, and was never seen again

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

I sadly agree with the decision.

Toxicity is at an all time high on the internet.


Likely coming from one of the most toxic persons around and lacks the self-awareness to even acknowledge it. Hypocrite!

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: The reason for IMDb's decision

Likely coming from one of the most toxic persons around and lacks the self-awareness to even acknowledge it. Hypocrite!

Troll harder, *beep*