Monsters : Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

1933, 1976 or 2005? I still love 1933 which is an actual shorter version of 2005, but I have grown to appreciate 2005 over the years. Ape seemed perverted in 1976 version.

Also which was your favorite out of Faye, Jessica and Naomi? Jessica was stunning in her prime IMO.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

The one where he is holding a Beautiful Panther in his hand. wink.gif


The only poster who had his account banned 4 times without ever breaking any rules each of those times.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Awwww! 💗

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Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I couldn't blame you for that. :)

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Favorites: 1933 version and Fay Wray, a true beauty.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

The first version. The 1976 version enjoyable but let down by Kong being played by a man in a costume while the 2005 version was just way too long.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I love each one simply for the story, and the variations in each version are interesting.

The 1933 version was always the best in my opinion until I saw Peter Jackson's version from 2005. I fell in love with Kong and I actually cried for him.
Everything about it is beautiful….. Beautiful…. hand over 💗

I loved Naomi, but Faye screamed the best!

You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
Fasten Your Seatbelts….
It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

The 1933 black and white original.

Woody Anders is the birthday man/ Hey Laddy Laddy La / He does it because it's his jam/ Hey Laddy Laddy Lo

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Kong: Skull Island

Grade "A" Fully Loaded
"Sexy as Hell"

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Jessica Lange and Jeff Bridges for the win!

Bing.. Wobbledy wobble, wo-wo-wobble, wobbin'

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

2005 extended version with the full bug pit fight.

I would agree with you but then both of us would be wrong

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Wasn't there an even newer version from the last few years?

Bring. More. Sheep.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I don't think an actual King Kong, but Kong: Skull Island was a few years ago.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

How is that not a King Kong movie?

I watched part of it but never finished.

Bring. More. Sheep.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

It is, but more of a different concept than the original and remakes.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I found myself enjoying the 1933 version more than the other ones because of the acting, the visual effects and for its originality. I didn’t care for the 1976 version since King Kong looked like a puppet in that movie. The 2005 remake was a fun ride, even if it doesn’t hold up well in comparison to its grandfather movie.

“There are no atheists in foxholes, eh?”-Keith Jennings from the Omen.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

The first because it was the best. I liked Peter Jackson's version too, and Kong himself was perfect in it. Unfortunately Jack Black spoiled it for me with every scene he was in.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Unfortunately Jack Black spoiled it for me with every scene he was in.

That character was a creep in all of the versions, so in a way, Jack Black was perfect in that role. It's the only role he has ever played that I liked. laugh.gif

You asked a pretty question; I've given you the ugly answer.
Fasten Your Seatbelts….
It's Going To Be A Bumpy Night!

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I've only seen the 1976 version and 2005 version. I'm not a huge fan of those King Kong movies in general. There were some parts in both movies that were done well. I haven't discussed them all. I suppose of the 2 I've watched, the 1976 version was the better.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I'm more of a Godzilla girl. I enjoyed Kong: Skull Island, though.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I like the 2005 one better with all the cut content, despite the fact it makes the already long movie 2 hours longer lol. The best scene was the insect pit. I did not much care for the kong in the city finale.

Im suprised the role of the negro sea captain was not played by Samuel L Jackson to be honest.,_Evolution,_and_Behavior

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

The 1933 version

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

I'd have to say the extended version of 2005 film. While 1933 was cool for its time and Jessica Lange was stunning in '76, I'd have to say 2005 is better than the other two, but I like all three. It's also the only King Kong film that won Oscars (3, in fact).

I hope a bear throw a book at you, moon at you, and do a tap dance wearing a thong and leather boots.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

The 1933 original and Faye.


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

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Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

As others said it's a little long winded but 2005 was a great movie.

Plus I still have a huge crush on Naomi.

Re: Which version of King Kong was your favorite?

The 1976 version is extremely underrated,
and my favorite. You actually feel for Kong. I haven't seen the original, but doubt it's as memorable.

It's time to start winding this thing down.

1933 and Faye of course!

1933 and Faye of course!


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!