Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi : Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Sounds like the theme to some pokemon movie.

Whatever you are, be a good one.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

It's also the title of an opera by Verdi.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Hate it. Sound's stupid and pretentious. They already used the word "Force" in Episode VII's Force Awakens. To use Force again in Episode VIII's title like Forces of Destiny is pathetic.

Hope it's rather more darker and in line with the middle of the trilogy's like The Empire Strikes back and Attack of the Clones.

Whats next for Episode IX? The Force Complete? No. title suck's get rid of it make it something darker and fun.

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

People shouldn't complain They should be very thankful that your getting a new trilogy let alone standalone films!!

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Quantity is not quality. If they keep standards low to the level of TFA, then a lot of fans will wish Disney had never bothered in the first place.

"No I don't read books written by chickenhts for poopbutts" - GorchBrother

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny


Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

That's not Star Wars Episode VIII's title.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Do people on this site like any *beep* thing? Before I opened this thread, I said "how many won't like this title?"

IMDB used to be pretty good place to discuss movies. Now it's just a place where people come to just hate what others like.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

On tonight's episode of Forces of Destiny

Mr. Tilbert vows to avenge his bird's death by drinking tea with Mrs. Tuplewarren, while James, the butler, plots with Anastasia, the house maid, to poison houselord Mr. Featherstone in his sleep.

Don't miss. Only on CBS.

I once told a man to go screw himself! Can you even imagine?! - Kilgrave

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

LOL very clever I like your writing style.

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Wrath Of Han

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII Forces of Destiny

Star Wars: Episode VIII - Chewie's Revenge