Gone with the Wind : Gone With the Wind Syndrome

Gone With the Wind Syndrome

6. Gone With the Wind Syndrome
Did you graduate from the School of Longer is Better? If so, get over it. We’re all buried up to our eyeballs with email. We don’t want to read hundreds of words when a few will suffice.

"I can't live with white walls. I call it Gone with the Wind Syndrome. There's a scene in the movie where Scarlett has to visit Rh…

The second aspect is what I call the ``Gone With the Wind Syndrome'' - the nostalgia, romance, and mythological aspects create an aura of a past which may or may not have existed.

Purchased psychiatric testimony—at a cost of millions of dollars a year—has resulted in bizarre claims by psychiatrists such as the defense of a rapist, claiming he had "Gone with the Wind Syndrome" to justify an alleged belief that sex should be performed only with resistance from the woman;

Pike, 57, who had been a close adviser to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, recalls observing the same phenomenon within the government. He has since labled it ''The `Gone with the Wind` Syndrome.''

''Remember the scene at the end of the movie?'' Pike asks. ''Here`s Scarlett O`Hara sitting in the ruins of this magnificent mansion. Everything around her is smoldering. She says, `I won`t think about that today.` It connotes that you have to think about it sometime, but not now.''

Unlike most efforts to reproduce a southern drawl, these six actresses avoid the usual overkill (known as Gone With the Wind syndrome) and feature softer, more subdued accents that persist through the most emotional scenes.

The new corporation was formed in 1985, but even then the idea had been three years in the making. And, when I got behind the wheel, it seemed the wait had been too long.

It was, I thought, sort of the Gone-With-the- Wind syndrome. All my life, I had heard about that movie. And when I finally did get to see it, the reality was exceeded by the expectation. Much like Saturn, I thought.

Another problem a store faces if it overloads on hits is that it won't have enough money to carry the breadth of titles needed to attract a large customer base and distinguish itself from rivals. That brings up the ''Gone With The Wind'' syndrome. As Peter Balner explained it: ''Every video store has to have 'Gone With The Wind.' I'll bet that the average store doesn't rent 'Gone With The Wind' two times a year. But if a customer comes to a store and doesn't see 'Gone With The Wind' or 'Casablanca' or 'African Queen,' he feels you don't have a good selection. Perception is important in this business.''

—Hollywood TV: The Studio System in the Fifties

Re: Gone With the Wind Syndrome

When you refuse to see a movie because you have heard people talking about it so much that it annoys you and you just know it sucks - Gone With The Wind Syndrome

Re: Gone With the Wind Syndrome

I think you may be over thinking this.


😺 Schrodinger's Cat walks into a bar, and doesn't. 🤨 President Trump is a HERO, and will win in a landslide in November!

Re: Gone With the Wind Syndrome

You sure squeezed out a heap of OK information about that long and tedious movie.

Re: Gone With the Wind Syndrome

Gone with the Wind was such a massive cultural phenomenon, and still has impact to this day, that it is only natural that people will draw comparisons to it. I wouldn't be surprised if other popular movies show something similar.

Re: Gone With the Wind Syndrome

You might be right.

It's one thing to see an action film from the old days, made with stuntmen and pyrotechnics, but there's not much meat in a movie where you know some actor is just spinning around in front of a blue screen. The story line and performance quality have to be exceptional to bridge the increased credibility gap. I think of this as the Matrix Reloaded syndrome, because while watching that for the first time it occurred to me that the spectacular fight sequences were very dull and the only interesting scenes were the conversations that explained more of the concepts behind the Matrix world.

You could really tell that GoW 2 had the Matrix Reloaded syndrome - they hadn't planned to make a sequel when they were making the first one, but because it was hugely successful, they decided to cash in on that success and produce another one.

And because of this, I am hard pressed to think of a set of trailers that promised so much for a movie that delivered so little – leaving some so disillusioned and locked into a state of denial that they looked for meaning where there was none (what I like to call the Matrix Reloaded syndrome).

Halo 2 campagin was a let down, sure but it "suffered" from the Matrix Reloaded syndrome
Everybody played the prequel and wanted more

Re: Gone With the Wind Syndrome

Lol @ The Matrix Reloaded