Suspiria : I really hope this fails

I really hope this fails

I know that sounds stupid to not give it a chance. There is just absolutely no way it is going to even come close to being as good as the original. So really what's the point. I don't want it to be like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake where it tries to be different from the original and similar at the same time but just completely misses everything that made the original great. But somehow gets a pretty large fan base of young people who have most likely never seen the original.

Re: I really hope this fails

I hear you. I love the original and no one can do it like Dario

Re: I really hope this fails

Chloe Moretz is in it. It WILL fail.

Re: I really hope this fails

She's opening kill, she'll be in it for a good 10 minutes or less

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Re: I really hope this fails

I like Chloe. Glad she's in it, even though it probably wont be for long. Love her or hate her, she elicits an opinion which is more than I can say for Dakota Fanning who I think is kind of bland. I was much more interested when Isabelle Huppert was attached.

And I don't want the remake to fail. If it succeeds then maybe more people will discover and appreciate the original and Argento's other works.

Re: I really hope this fails

* Dakota Johnson, not fanning

Re: I really hope this fails

* Isabelle Furhman

Damn I just can't get any actresses names right this week.

Re: I really hope this fails

But Isabelle Huppert WAS rumored to be involved with the film when Isabelle Fuhrmann was still playing Suzy.

"KatTS" / "M" / "LLL" / "KoC-VoT" / "NA"

Re: I really hope this fails


Re: I really hope this fails

Agree but it seems Dario Argento is partially involved in the remake but than his last couple of movies sadly wasn't the Dario Argento we loved.

My issue is would it be PG-13 which is a big *beep* you to fans and how is the soundtrack going to sound like the original because today's horror movies don't use those progressive rock/electronic/synth music it's basically pop or *beep* EDM.

Re: I really hope this fails

Is he now? The last I heard of him was him saying how p***ed off is of this remake, and also offended that they did not bother even to ask him any advice. But yeah despite loving his films up to and including Phenomena, after that I think he lost his touch unfortunately.

The remake should be gorey, theatrical, dreamlike like the original, but done in a modern key. Refn did it right in my opinion with Neon Demon.

Re: I really hope this fails

You're first mistake is arrogantly assuming only those darned "young people" like the TCM remake only because they've never seen the original. I llike both and saw the original first.

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Re: I really hope this fails

Really odd to compare it to Point Break since that wasn't a horror movie.

Horror remakes have a much larger profile than any other type of remake.

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