Film General : Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

Quite a few people believe this movie is actually going to happen. However, there are plenty of believable reports online that say the opposite. I for one believe the contents of these articles. Not only do I believe Beetlejuice 2 won't happen I also think that it should not happen. How about you fellow posters? What are your thoughts on this particular subject?

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

I'm pretty sure it's not happening, but it wouldn't bother me if it did.

Grade "A" Fully Loaded
"Sexy as Hell"

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

If it happens my only fear is that it will not do well financially.

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

I hear you said I’m mentally ill somewhere

Share your reasons for thinking so

I want my pink shirt back.

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

Pretty much your whole posting history on Monkey's. But I'd never expect a mental person to agree with the diagnosis….

Grade "A" Fully Loaded
"Sexy as Hell"

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

I don't really like sequels so this is good news for me.

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

Beetlejuice should be left alone.

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

It won’t be the same since Robin Williams died.

I want my pink shirt back.

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

I don't remember him being in it.

Re: Any thoughts on the supposed Beetlejuice 2?

Normally I don't like it when my posts are hijacked but this is kind of humorous!😂🤣