Jennifer Lawrence : message board closing is dumb

message board closing is dumb

'We have concluded that IMDb's message boards are no longer providing a positive, useful experience for the vast majority of our more than 250 million monthly users worldwide'

Never seen a corporation try and lose so much money on purpose.

Re: message board closing is dumb

yes, imdb just fvkked themselveslets hope they come to their senses. otherwise they might as well just close.

there are other places to get celeb and movie news

Re: message board closing is dumb

IMDb claims that the boards themselves do not generate any money, despite the fact that if you have IMDbPRO they do discuss board perks that you are allotted. (Will they issue refunds?)

Also the boards drive traffic to the site, regardless if the discussion is positive or negative. That is one of the major components that IMDb has neglected to recognize, and while they will still boast their level of individual user accounts; when the lack of Internet traffic continues, they will lose sponsors and advertisers.

Re: message board closing is dumb

Lets have some real talk here . You are shutting these boards down because they are viewed as a negative to the average person and more importantly to Hollywood. You don't want that type of negative press which is understandable. Nobody likes bad press. But just know that you are a coward for doing this. You are caving to the pressures of others. You are taking away our voice and our freedom to express ourselves and that is a cowardly act. But worst of all you are straight up lying to us.

Everyone here knows you aren't closing the boards due to some bogus technology issue. You're a monster company who makes billions of dollars. You're telling me you can't run simple message boards that have very little additional features? Yeah right. You are 100% caving to the PC world where you aren't allowed to have a voice and everything must be positive. No criticism is allowed. Only sunshine and rainbows. So go ahead shut down the boards. We will find someplace else. But know that by doing this you and everyone at IMDB are cowards.

Re: message board closing is dumb

I think I've visited here twice, and the only reason is I wanted to read the reactions to the closing of this feature on her board because of her popularity. I usually post on another board.

First of all, a tip of the cap to a well written post about this incredibly stupid decision by IMDB. I've visited this website since April 2011 only to post while occasionally checking out the info on cast & crew and readers' reviews.

It's so silly to rely upon the excuse they posted at the top that the boards "are no longer providing a positive useful experience" etc. *beep* That's how the real world works. Trolls never bothered me in the least. What a *beep* excuse. I'm positive I'll rarely come here much any more when they close the boards.

Re: message board closing is dumb

ya i am sure they will notice a massive drop in traffic. i for one will look for alternatives..

also their self monitoring and reporting system is their own fault. they wanted to put in minimal effort and dollars into the site, and reep maximum profits. blame yourself imdb

Re: message board closing is dumb

The claim that the boards no longer provide a "positive experience" is BS. I've been a member of IMDb since 2007 and I love coming to the boards of certain films and engaging in discussions about plot, characters, meanings, symbolism, etc. There will always be trolls EVERYWHERE on the internet but that is no reason to deny an engaging feature from those of us who use it properly. When I first saw that alert about the boards closing I wondered if IMDb had been hacked because it sounds so ridiculous. It's a bad move IMO.

Re: message board closing is dumb

The claim that the boards no longer provide a "positive experience" is BS. I've been a member of IMDb since 2007 and I love coming to the boards of certain films and engaging in discussions about plot, characters, meanings, symbolism, etc. There will always be trolls EVERYWHERE on the internet but that is no reason to deny an engaging feature from those of us who use2000 it properly. When I first saw that alert about the boards closing I wondered if IMDb had been hacked because it sounds so ridiculous. It's a bad move IMO.

exactly, removing the people's voice will not make anything better, on the contrary, trying to silence people will only make matters worse.
i hope this sh!tstorm against imdb and amazon will ruin them in the long run.everyone is spreading the word, telling these azzholes how they feel on the imdb facebook page. RIP IMDB

Re: message board closing is dumb

exactly, removing the people's voice will not make anything better, on the contrary, trying to silence people will only make matters worse.
That's exactly what happens. The traffic will drop, and then when they bring the boards back, it might be too little too late.

Re: message board closing is dumb

That's how the real world works.

No, that's not how the real world works. I've never heard anyone say out loud the things I've read on this site. It's become a place for racist cowards. Go to Breitbart movies and congregate there.

Re: message board closing is dumb

BS. The cowards are the ones spewing their racial hatred while hiding behind their keyboards. You can't go to a message board without someone calling someone the N-word. You cowards can now go to Breitbart.

Re: message board closing is dumb

If it shuts down lying disingenuous scum bags like you OP, I'm all for it. Your life will be nothing on February 21st. All of this energy will have been shown to you as a total waste. It always was, but now you have nothing.


Re: message board closing is dumb

Shutting down these boards will accomplish nothing at all. That is just conceding to the trolls and hate mongers, essentially letting them win. The people who spew hatred and negativity across the Internet will easily move on to another forum, but those of us who wish to engage in positive, intellectual discussions about films are going to be left with nowhere to go. At least I'm not sure where else to go when I want to get involved in a discussion about a particular film once these boards close down. Does anyone have any alternative suggestions? I've had some of the best movie conversations/debates/insights that I've ever experienced on these boards and it's really disheartening to me that this function will be taken away because of those who choose to misuse it. I will miss the discussions and debates about movies on these boards.

Re: message board closing is dumb

Here is one that was created by fans to discuss all aspects of movies and such:

It does not have compartmentalized boards for each movie/tv show though.

Although it's just a matter of time until another person creates something similar to IMDb, with message boards. In fact, this site already exists: