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The Oprah Winfrey Show
: Final Shows in Sydney, Australia
Final Shows in Sydney, Australia
13 years ago
(May 22, 2011 04:40 AM)
Member since February 2006
I just picked up the TV Guide for this week.
Rather than being aired at 1 o'clock as usual, the final shows will be aired in the evening:
Wed 25 May CHANNEL 10 at 9.00 pm
Thur 26 May CHANNEL 10 at 8.30 pm
Fri 27 May CHANNEL 10 at 9.00 pm
Sat 28 May CHANNEL 10 at 7.30 pm
'The Guide' (insert in Sun-Herald)
Final Shows in Sydney, Australia
Rather than being aired at 1 o'clock as usual, the final shows will be aired in the evening:
Wed 25 May CHANNEL 10 at 9.00 pm
Thur 26 May CHANNEL 10 at 8.30 pm
Fri 27 May CHANNEL 10 at 9.00 pm
Sat 28 May CHANNEL 10 at 7.30 pm
Source: 'The Guide' (insert in Sun-Herald)