Overboard : Funniest Lines or Scenes

Funniest Lines or Scenes

There are so many lines in this movie that just crack me up so I figured people would have many to come up with.

I am watching the movie now again and already heard a few but for starters one happens when the title of the movie happens "Overboard" when she actually falls overboard. The first thing she says is "oh my hair" like that is something she is more concerned about then drowning or the boat leaving her.

I also love it when riding in the back of Dean's truck after he gets her from the hospital, she gets that bug in her mouth, starts trying to hock it up and she says "I just ate a bug"

One of the funniest is when she is trying to describe what kind of cavier she wants to Andrew while Dean is listening on. She says something to the affect of cavier being hard and round and explode in your mouth at the right time.

When Dean gives her those fake photos I am so tickled by her reactions to her facial expressions in them because he used the ones from the hospital or news. She askes "Why do i always look so depressed"

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

I love this movie, and this isn't really a joke, but I can never keep a straight face when Kurt Russell tells Goldie Hawn she just turned 29. Goldie looks great in the movie, but c'mon she was over 40 IRL!

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Funny I just posted about that very thing on another thread where so many people dont get that. I didn't find it humorous because I totally knew he was trying to flatter her as well as get by the age thing. I think most people who are under 30 have not experienced or been around women over 30 who always say they are 29. Dean apparently knew that so it was an easy out for him to say 29 and she giggles because she is flattered that he is saying she is 29 when she obviously knew she was older than that. Her character too also knew that somen like to say they are 29. But when I hear it because I have known that fact a long time I just think awww that is so sweet instead of laughing because I know and she knows he is just trying to make her feel good.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

You know, the first few times I saw the movie, I would go back and forth as to whether or not he was just humoring her with the 29 thing, but I dunno, something about it just makes me think the line was supposed to be serious (and Goldie really did look good in the movie). BTW, I am just 29, so I guess I haven't reached the age yet where I'll want to be 29 forever, lol.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

No, it was serious. I don't know if it was written that way before Hawn was cast, or they just realized how young she looked, and went with it, but it was definitely serious. She did NOT look anywhere near 42, and I think you know that. Knowing her actual age doesn't mean that her character being 29 wasn't believable, which it WAS. Or maybe she was just *beep* the director. :)

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

I love the way she smiles after he tells her she's 29!!

Some of my favorite lines are

"I justate a bug."

"Andrew! I seem to have lost my ruby earrings somewhere between 64th and 68th street, find them."

"It's not us, Dad, it's Roy."

"Nobody cares what you look like, normally you look really pretty, you just don't now."

And my favorite lines of them all (though not funny)

"Well, they got me thinkin' though, what can I possibly give you ever that you don't already have?"
"A little girl."

Love this movie!!!

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

One of my favourites was" You know forks were invinted so man could seperate themselves from the apes".lol

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Well, try to control your bodily noises so I can hear myself think!

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

"Andrew, are you going me bring me my lemon or do I have to squeeze it from my hat!"

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Hilarious.I love this movie

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

There are just so many lines to choose from in this, one of my all time favorite movies. I have always been a sucker for these kind of feel good-movies. The burbs being another one.

If I have to choose one it would probably be when Charlie replies Travis statement that it isn't too bad dressing up once in a while with "I feel like the god damn Brady Bunch!"

The way he says it cracks me up every time. And I've seen this movie like 20 times.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

I just turned on the TV and "Overboard" is on again right now. I mean my timing was I turned it on and the opening credits started. That movie sure comes on a lot. It is on the WE channel again.

Anyway I just heard that line about the caviar this time I wrote it down just as she said it. It is so funny: "Andrew, Cavier should be round and hard and of adequate size and it should burst in your mouth at precisely the right moment"

I just heard her say "gnats keep sticking to my nail polish". I had never noticed that line before.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

That was a funny line when she says " these little gnats keeps sticking to my nail polish, must I walk around with their little corpses stuck to me?" lol also when she sees the house for the first time and says " we moved here, deliberately" this is one of my fave movies.
Also when she says I'm a short, fat, slut lmao

Eat your checkers!argue.gif -Goldie Hawn

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

When Dean goes to pick her up at the hospital and she refuses to leave with him, notice that even the doctor, nurse and police officer are trying to sell it to her, " He seems real nice, yeah he's good looking and clean too" lmao they just wanted to get rid of her.

Eat your checkers!argue.gif -Goldie Hawn

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

My brother ALWAYS laughed at the "Andrew! Are you going to bring me my lemonade or do I have to squeeze it from my hat!?", and we always laughed the whole time she was trying to clean the housebut now, I think one of the funniest ones is when she's got her hands glued to the plates and she turns the hose on all of them and they chase her out and tackle her.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

You know I paid attention to that Lemonade line this time. I didnt look up in time to see it. Did she have lemons on her hat or something like that?

That is a cool scene with the plates and water hose but that also was the main transition scene to show how she had changed and really was liking being a mother and wife to them as well as the kids and the dad falling for her for they found she was fun. I just love how she comes out with that pie on the plate and makes it seem like she is going to throw it in his face. He looks at her like he is worried for a second but she doesnt do it. Right after that is the waterhose thing.

Most of the lines I have stated so far I see are in the quotes section here on IMDB. BUt still it is great to recall them and talk about what lines make you laugh. Although Im not sure the "Oh my hair" is there or not. It may be lol.

I love it when Dean tells her about her life and she says "That doenst sound like me" or "sound like something I would do"

And she also says "I surely would remember if i had 3 kids" and then he says "four"

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Yeah, "Oystery diving, cold ocean, that doesn't sound like me!"

I don't knowI never paid attention to the details of the hat itself but overall I recall it having a basic shape of a large lemon wedge or something. I mean the middle of it DOES look like if she squeezed it hard enough she'd get something.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Well in reality that doenst sound like anyone. I mean who does that? lol

And when she first starts cleaning up and cooking and stuff around the house she says something about "Why do i get the feeling I've never done this before" lol

OH yeah I remember that hat did have an unusual shape like you described.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Something to the effect of:

Annie: "Your chocolate creme pie."
Dean: "I guess it's hard to serve with your hands stuck to the plates."

There are so many more I looooove this movie.

Oh, and: "I'm a short fat sl*t."

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Baby, we like you!

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Re: One of my favorite scenes is…

Great movie for watching over and over again while doing laundry.

I love Kurt's line when he is picking her up at the hospital. Police officer is showing him Goldie's personal effects and is talking about her not knowing the initials on the underwear. Kurt responds: "She wouldn't. See, I got them for her at a garage sale." Don't know why but I bust up at that everytime.

"Eat your checkers".

Goldie trying to cook that chicken with the feet sticking out of the pot.

At the cook out Billy is explaining to Annie how he knows Dean. They are playing volleyball and Annie says "So, Billy, when did we date". Without missing a beat, Dean picks up the volleyball, bounces it off Billy's head, and says "Let's eat:.

Whole thing is great.

Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

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Re: One of my favorite scenes is…

LMAO.oh my godor "Honey, phone for sex girls don't come to your truck." "You can keep these. That girl must have more than one phone".

I'm gonna have to watch this again this weekend.

Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

Re: One of my favorite scenes is…

"You shot a chicken?"

Re: One of my favorite scenes is…

"what an awful wig"

I was born on the wrong side of everything

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Re: One of my favorite scenes is…

This is definately my favorite set of lines. But its not just the linesits what's going on when they are said. Its so obvious Dean is not only lying, but totally making everything up on the spot. So when he says, "No.over there in GooberIdaho, he's trying desparately to think up the town and state and all the while he's rubbing the back of his hair in a nervous gesture. I'm not sure why the sum total cracks me up, but it doeseverytime!

Re: One of my favorite scenes is…

My favorite is simple but funny to me. Your walking to close to me. That's funny!

I have a falsetto child is funny too.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

"It's not us dad, it's Roy."

"I'm a short fat slut."

"I just ate a bug."

"Tofutti Kline-ine-ine-ine"

and, my personal favorite

"A falsetto child?"

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Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

LMAO, I was just about to post that. Watching the movie now and that line gets me everytime.
It's her deadpan expression too: "A falsetto child?"

Babies kill TV shows!

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Andrew, are you going me bring me my lemon or do I have to squeeze it from my hat

Oh my hair

When Kurt Russell's charachter is trying to explain why he dress is so big and he tells her she was overweight and walked with a hump laugh.gif

What happens in the meadow at dusk? NOTHING!, EVERYTHING!

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

When Kurt Russell's charachter is trying to explain why he dress is so big and he tells her she was overweight and walked with a hump

My friend and I love to recite this scene:

Annie bursts from the room in an oversized shirt:

Annie: "This garment cannot possibly be a part of my wardrobe. Let's forget or a moment that it's a rag, that it's twelve sizes too large"

Dean: "Honey, it' not that bad."

Annie: "Not_that_bad?"

First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Dean: "When I.when we decided to have kids"

Dean: "Besidesits none of your business"

Annie: "None of my businessmy children are none of my business?"

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

dean: "Well up here in Elk Snout ma'am, see, we don't know 'bout them closets, nor bathrooms neither. *beep* woman, here i am lucky I am house broke".

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Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

I am so glad to see so many on this thread I started really enjoy this movie and the funny lines like I do. I just love both Goldie and Kurt together onscreen, such a shame they did not do more comedy together. The beginning where she is such a bitch is so opposite of what GOldie normally is and she does it so well.

And thanks everyone for coming up with different lines that I had forgotten or didnt think of. I have been reading back over them and laughing just reading the comments you are making.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

I gotta say my favorites are:

Dean: This is flat, gimmie another one billy.
Billy: I only got six.
Dean: Well I guess we are gonna have to send out the old ball n chain to buy some more.LOL

Joey: Hey trav don't knock her up!

Billy: Im sorry annie I got horny, Do you hate me?

Dean: That's her!
Billy: Who?
Dean: The bitch!

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

When the dispute over the closet happens

Dean: You may have wanted cedar but YOU DIDN'T ASK for cedar!

Great delivery!

"Get busy livin' or Get busy dyin' - That's gad'damn right!"

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

This is a fabulous movie. Laugh at practically every line.

Personal favorite is, "I'm a short.fat.sl*t." but there are soooo many to choose from.

Also, when Dean is trying to make her feel better about the poison ivy. "Normally you're really pretty. You just - aren't, now."

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

This is perhaps my favorite movie of all time!

Some of my fave lines I believe still unmentioned:

"Listen to me, medical people!"

"My body!"

"Twinoh, twin?"

"tests which exist to pigeon-hole childrens potential - a thing which cannot POSSIBLY be measured, least of all by anal-compulsive HUNS!"

"NoI'm still tacky."

"I look like a bushman!"

"My life is like death - my children are the spawn of hell and you're the devil!"

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

After all those years, I still remember the scene at the beginning on the yacht, where she tells her mom "let's sit down" or something to that effect, and then she doesn't but gets a really cross look on her face. Then she explodes and yells "ANDREW!" (to the butler), "I'm sitting DOWN! He comes running and helps raise all the layers of her dress so that she can, in fact, sit down. (:

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

LOVE this thread! smile.gif Makes me laugh reading all the responses

One of my favorite lines I haven't seen mentioned is when Dean is "re"introducing her to the boys:

Dean: In the middle we've got the twins - Greg and Charlie. He likes to invent things.
Annie: Twins?
Dean: Yeah. Obviously they're not identical.
Charlie: Or I'd look like a sh*thead!


cat.gif HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! cat.gif


Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

So many great lines. I can't recall the words exactly, but when Dean picks up Joanna from the hospital, he tells the staff that she grew up near a nuclear waste dump! LMAO.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Nobody thought the scene with the reporter and the guy on the ship was funny?? He was describing how he found the girl floating in the ocean and when he picked her out, he said "foca, foca" The reporter was like "you can't say that on tv" but the guy was saying it was Portuguese for seal. Maybe no body understood that.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Yeah, that was funny as well. I also liked when he started belting out a Portuguese love song, haha. If you go on YouTube, you can find so many news bloopers.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

Sorry if this has been mentioned but I loved the part when he's describing her past (when she has temporary amnesia) and Kurt Russell tells her she's from "gooberville" or something like that lmao.

"They're quite impressive..bordering on spectacular"

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

no one mentioned this gem

Dr Korman: Joanna, what motivated you to rise and get the serving tray?
Joanna: I thought you might be hungry.
Dr Korman: That's excellent, excellent!
Grant: What's excellent about it?
Dr Korman: I was hungry

i also enjoy his exchange with Grant right near the end

Grant: My wife has gone insane. Do we have a straight jacket on board?
Dr Korman: I always carry one, Yes.

or pretty much anything lucas on the coast guard boat says.

Re: Funniest Lines or Scenes

after sipping the beer.

"Um, good stuff"/

I apologize for grammatical errors- a side effect of IMDbing on my iPhone.