Lethal Weapon : Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

Hey there was a funny thread a while back about things we can learn from this movie. Let's do it again!

1. The best time for a birthday party (or a retirement party) is when the guest of honor is in the tub.

2. Roger is the worst freestyler in the world.

3. If you survive torture and escape, you will be given a pair of white running shoes as a reward.

4. Christmas tree lots are the ideal places for 6-figure drug deals.

5. There isn't really any need to alert the cops watching your house that a pissed-off mercenary is on the way.

6. When your daughter jumps off a roof, call up an old Vietnam buddy to kill everyone (you think) is responsible.

7. If you shoot someone twice in the chest and knock them onto a covered pool, they're done. You might as well stay dry.

Keep it going . . .

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

8. Riggs is hungry; he's gonna get something to eat.

9. Roger is not hungry.

10. Cell phones in the 1980s were as big as houses.

11. They're gonna get bloody on this one.

12. Riggs misses you, Victoria Lynn.

13. Murtaugh is getting too old for this sh!t.

14. Riggs hasn't killed Murtaugh yet.

15. Roger's wife is a terrible cook, his daughter smokes pot in the house, and he doesn't know sh!t about boats.

16. Greg's dad (and Debbie from Grosse Pointe Blank's dad) was a General in the 80s.

17. Endo, the Chin, has forgotten more about inflicting pain than most of us will ever know.

18. McAllister and his men would be better off if they would just go spit.

19. Her name is Sherry, she is no fairy.

20. Handcuffs come apart, then magically come together again when you jump off a building.

"She's, like, a biscuit older than me"

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

21. The General gets his guys at Psychos R Us.

22. Doing guys in Laos is the only thing Riggs is good at.

23. Sending porn to another officer's house, so long as it's Police Evidence, is perfectly acceptable.

24. A Beretta 9mm pistol is infinitely more accurate than a rifle.

25. A helicopter can easily sneak up on a small funeral service.

26. Guys in the 80s cry a lot

That was one of the finest examples of spiritual guidance I've ever had the good fortune to witness

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

27. A single hand grenade can be used to threaten to kill 10-15 people in and out of several cars spread out in a desert.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." - The Dude

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

28.You can ask a working girl to come home with you to watch a three stooges film.

29. The building guy lived.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

30. Murtaugh was willing to crash a squad car through his own front window just to rattle Joshua and lure him outside.

31. If you shoot a bad guy in a local bar while trying to escape no one will hear the first gunshot.

32. Al Leong aka Endo gets killed in every movie he appears in.

33. Cops will let Riggs and Joshua have a punch up on a residential street with lots of family homes and witnesses.

34. Murtaugh can threaten a bunch of well trained mercs with one grenade.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

35. It's God damn Christmas!

36. Endo is also the organization's nurse.

37. It was so thin it was anorexic.

38. The frozen tarts were the best part of the dinner.

39. Mr. Joshua wanted a shot at the title.

40. If Rianne had to die, she was gonna die Roger's way.

41. A hundred was a fair price since Riggs said he liked it.

42. Riggs would sleep with his gun if he slept.

43. The police got that sh!t off Murtaugh's lawn.

44. Murtaugh still spits.

45. There are no more heroes left in the world.

46. Burbank the cat wasn't happy about Sam the dog coming to dinner.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

47. "Expert" Riggs didn't know the difference between a hollow point and a FMJ.
48. Endo Gets killed by Riggs and also John McCLaneas Uli.
49. He wore paint.
50. Murtaugh's wife can't cook.
51. Murtaugh's daughter smokes potIN the house.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

and it's illegal. and you got yourself a hell of nice family.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

52. When shot by Joshua, doors open by themselves.
53. Joshua hates Christmas.
54. Helicopters tapping on a limo's roof cause the driver great distress.
55. Rianne Murtaugh (who looked like she could have been as young as 15 but was actually 26 when the movie was released) likes Riggs.
56. Semi-naked hookers that fall 30+ stories onto a car stay relatively intact and don't bleed much upon impact.
57. Riggs thinks you're a fag if you touch him.

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Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

Not even the DVD Commetaries Could explain what 'A Hooda Hooda Hadda' means or what it is.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

47. The "jumper" guy didn't do anything wrong.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

48. Adam Ant was suicidal after his music career jumped the shark.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

49. Danny Glover had that donk in the 80s. He was filling out those khakis..

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

You can't question a guy if you jump off a building with him.

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Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

If the stock market's crashed, don't worry and have a french fry.

Roger was driving before Riggs was itching his daddy's pants.

Riggs finds the thought of lesbians disgusting.

Bugs Bunny on the TV drives some to drink and suicide attempts.

A lot of old timers carry six shooters.

It hurts Roger to say thanks to Riggs.

Being a sniper was the only thing Riggs was ever good at.

If you give Joshua the information he wants, he'll kindly kill you quick.

It turns out that suicide jumper didn't really want to jump at all.

If a car's coming towards you in an alley, don't shoot the tires and then the bad guys, just shoot the driver while it's moving and let the car fly out onto a main street where there's innocent people.

Don't breathe in smoke from cocaine explosions, you'll see pink elephants.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

I learned that African American families can be just like everyone elses

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

and, I've learned that not all whites have this blood thirsty instinct to kill black folks without provocation.

Re: Things I learned from watching the Lethal Weapon movies . . . .

People don't give their cars without complaining to guys with machine guns.