Lost Horizon : The time is right to release this movie
Re: The time is right to release this movie
How about an updated version that begins on the eve of the Iran hostage crises in 1980 or the Gulf War in 1990.As political tensions build in either situation you would have pople from the west in political positions and others fields fleeing.In a new version,Conway could be a famous media personality from the BBC who is kidnapped with others.. How about Daniel Day Lewis as Conway.. Peter O'Toole as the High Lama?
Re: The time is right to release this movie
Or on the eve of Hillary Clinton's inauguration.
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Re: The time is right to release this movie
At least you realize who the right man is for the job. More of a man than what we have seen in a while I must say!
The time is right to release this movie
Hopefully Mr Bachrach will choose to release this movie soon.