Bryan Bertino : Post deleted

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Re: This was so bad!

I'm sorry, but this movie was very good. I think the director has a great deal of talent. The only thing about the film I didn't care for was the ending because I think he took a cheap way out. But all in all compared to all the crap horror/suspense films that come out lately, this is top notch. This is far from from being on a "worst" movie list. If you consider this as so "bad" as you say it is, then what do you consider good? Just curious as to what you like

angry3.gif"Y'all mind hanging backyou're jamming my frequencies."misc1.gif

Re: This was so bad!

I'm sorry but your on glue if you thought this movie was good. It was a predictable, poorly written, bad attempt at an artsy/horror/thriller flick. I knew exactly what was going to happen the whole movie through. Who ever looked at the script for this movie and thought it was good, should be dragged into the street and beaten to death. An insult to any movie ever made. This is 1 hour and 25 minutes of my life that I will never get back. Makes me happy to say that I downloaded it and didn't pay a dime to see this crap. Bryan Bertino you suck!!

Re: This was so bad!

Personally, I love the ending.
It wasn't some huge twist that ruined everything

*Apathy Is The Cure*

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Re: This was so bad!

i agree with you tsjla87 I was totally drawn in for the first half, and agree the tension was beautifully crafted, however as the fun started, the friend showed up and the boyfriend left his unarmed girlfriend in the house with the killers etc etc it really lost it for me. I strongly agree with another post i read do not begin with based on true events, as think that is insulting.

I think bryan will learn from this movie and I will look forward to seeing more from him. first half of the strangers 7.5/10, second half 4/10. I have read some posts bagging the acting; unjustified the actors did a great job, the character development was as good as you get for a horror film.

Re: This was so bad!

so bad. too bad for words. at least too bad for words that can be typed on this site

Re: This was so bad! goodness. Lady, learn how to speak English first, then comment on how terrible someone else's work is. I haven't even seen this movie. But I just couldn't help myself here. Let's face the facts: you're Canadian. You live in Canada. You should speak English, like the rest of the country speaks French or at least they have to learn it with no if's, and's or but's. Yet you speak - or at least, write - quite literally (pardon the unintended pun) like a five, maybe seven-year-old. It's outrageous. Granted, your education system is mostly to blame, but if you're an adult, you should be embarrassed and appalled by how lousy and pathetic your grasp of the Universal language actually is.

Re: This was so bad!

She obviously is bitter and very jealous. VERY FEW SCRIPTS EVER EVEN GET READ BY A MAJOR STUDIO. And to get a film made beyond that is extremely difficult and then to be asked to direct it is even a zillion times less likely. I think the writer/director did a great job. What I really liked was the use of the music, lighting, and noises, etc. It worked great in building great suspense. What I also really liked about the film is how it has an almost a supernatural feel to it which made the ending a shocker. I have to think it probably was intentional but for it to end up being just three random killers who we never get to see the faces of or know anything about was very creepy and very unexpected. When I saw the film, the theatre was jammed pack and people reacted aloud which tells me people were genuinely scared or at least made extremely uncomfortable by the suspenseful nature of the film. It wasn't a real complicated storyline but it didn't have to be. A great deal was built on a relatively simple premise and worked on so many levels.

Re: This was so bad!

The script had potential but pulled off every conventional copout possible.

As a director, I thought he was very good.

"I hate PG-13 horror flicks"- THIS IS MY SIG GENIUSES!

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Re: This was so bad!

Actually, it is cliche.

If a movie uses record players and those radio things for the sake of scares, its going down the cliche route. No one uses record players these days.sa16d0me with those radios.

The movie sacrificed logic for the sake of a few scares. What idiot leaves his cell phone in the car? Also, the ending was basically the same as.every other horror movie in how it ends.

What made it worthwhile was that the director went a different route. He went old-school Carpenter by going all out on atmosphere and suspence. Usually, directors rely on style and gore in horror movies these days.

"I hate PG-13 horror flicks"- THIS IS MY SIG GENIUSES!

Re: This was so bad!

I still use a record player to listen to my parent's old 45's, so picking on that element of the film is ridiculous.

I've left my cellular in the car a few times; accidentally or a few times when I just assumed I wouldn't need it. Another pointless element to pick on.

The characters, in my opinion, did everything possible to escape. Can you imagine trying to muster logic and reason in a situation like that? The amount of adrenaline alone flowing through your bloodstream would be enough to screw with the synapses in your brain and make you panic. The alcohol probably didn't help either.

The couldn't escape on foot. No one was home, as they mentioned in the film. Nobody could help them. They had no contact with anyone because the phones were dead, and their radio, axed. The characters were semi-dimensional, and portrayed fairly well.

At the end of the day, this is a HORROR film. Horror at it's purist. Everyone raves about Halloween, obviously I do too, but it had no plot. It had no twist at the end. It was pretty predictable, but it was scary! I'm not looking for substance when I see films like this. I'm looking to be scared. And this film is the first one that's done it in over a decade.


Re: This was so bad!

1) Wow, 1/100 people carry record players.its too uncommon to rely on.

2) So have I. Tb68o be fair, he was talking on the phone prior to that so I could sort of forgive that(it isn't easy to put it back in your pocket why you drive). However, even explaining cliches..still doesn't change the fact that they are cliches.

3) He hadnt been drinking that much for the alcohol to take much effect, especially when you are terrified(you sober up quite quickly). Tbh, the best thing to do was hide somewhere with the shotgun, which they did, until another obvious cliche happened.If they were really smart, they would have just stayed there hiding.

4) I did think the characters were well written

5) Halloween wasn't very original either, as it borrowed extensively from "Black Christmas" and "Bay of Blood". It simply was more popular. Plot-wise, slashers all tend to lack this.

"I hate PG-13 horror flicks"- THIS IS MY SIG GENIUSES!

Re: This was so bad!

Dude 1/100 people still o16d0wning and using record players is a giant number. That's 60 Million people That's more than the population of Canada alone. I'd say its a strong enough number to assume they might own a record player. Plus, did you see the decor in that place? It was like a bad 60's flea market. I'm not surprised there was a record player.

The alcohol wasn't the primary cause for their logic to fizzle. It's the adrenaline. I can say with certainty, when you're in a situation like that, it is nearly impossible to think logically. If you're aware your life is in jeopardy, yes, you'll do everything in your power to survive, but half of it won't make an ounce of sense.

Hiding with a shotgun Would you really have liked that to be the entire film? Them hiding in a dark place with a shotgun for an hour and a half? Be realistic. Bertino wrote himself into a corner in that scene but knew he had to get his characters out of the room so the film would stay interesting, so he used a neat little trick with the friend being shot. Not a cheap trick, just a trick.

Lastly, yes, Halloween did borrow a lot from other films, as did The Strangers. But more than anything, its refreshing to see a slasher flick relying on suspense again. When I walked into that theater, I felt like I'd gone back to 1975. I got from the film what I went into the theater for, and I've seen over 450 horror films, and this was the first that really got me while watching and at home.


Re: This was so bad!

1) It's still a stretch. However, isnt there a mention that the house at least once belonged to his father?(I seem to remember something like that being mentioned when they first brought up the radio). Once again, dude, you dont seem to understand that even if the movie covers its tracks and explains these idiotic aspects, that doesn't change the fact its a cliche. The only reason record players appear in movies is so at one point, it begins to skip or something and make a scary noise(which this movie did well).

2) I disagree. This isn't rocket science. If you can hide, then you hide. You don't ever "split up" and you don't hesitate. Even if you are correct, you are overestimating the writer. "Stupid moves" are the results of lazy screenwriting. "How do we get these people alone so we can kill them?" Once again, its a cliche.

3) I 100% agree with you here in that it would be a boring ass movie if they just did that. Unfortunately, the friend bit was the most obvious cliche. Seriously, did you honestly think he would die another way? Since they showed the killer with the axe behind him, it would be anticlimactic for the killer to simply kill him. Hence, it was obvious that was going to happen. Once again, a cliche. A stupid one at that. You say "He wrote himself into a corner", but didnt give a plausable explanation as to write himself out of it. Seriously, the dude was very lucky he got this script sold because its both unoriginal and typical.

4) The difference between "Halloween" and "The Strangers" is its obvious "The Strangers" was a ripoff. "Bay of Blood" and "Black Christmas" were unknown films and its not really easy to tell the similarities between Halloween and those flicks. I do agree that it is nice to see horror flicks that rely on suspence again. I just wish it had a more original idea and/or a better script.

"I hate PG-13 horror flicks"- THIS IS MY SIG GENIUSES!

Re: This was so bad!

I don't no where you are from but I love my record player and my record collection and so do most of my friends. I think 75% of people I know from high school have record players and collect some records.

and the rest of everything you said is stupid. None of it is logical or practical. I wish I had a time machine so I could go back to before you decided to write onthis topic.

Re: This was so bad!

i agree it had potential but he messed it up with the ending well not just the ending also the lack of character develoption and plot develoption

if you *beep* with me your suffering will be legendary even in hell.

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Re: This was so bad!

The movie was amazing, IMO, and ALOT more people would agree with me.

Re: This was so bad!

People keep complaining about stupid things. About how the film was not original and it was full of cliches and bla bla bla bla. I mean really shut up already. If you are looking for originality then dont look in the horror genre.

Yes, they did stay in that room just for a while, but try to understand that they had to come out of that god dam room eventually so that we would have a movie. No matter how unoriginal the way they came out of that room was, they still needed to come out and try to put that into your stupid heads. What the hell did you expect ? A smoke grenade ? And try to think of it this way in real life, NO ONE wou2000ld have come out of that room because they were safe in there, so there is absolutely nothing in the world that would have made anyone come out of there. So even if the writer found some other way to get them out, you pricks would still complain about it because COMING OUT OF THERE TO BEGIN WITH WOULD BE STUPID. Yes i agree, it would be stupid if you did that in real life, but believe it or not, this was not real life it was a god dam movie something you probably still don't seem to understand and without these cliches we would have no movie.

Also there is a big ammount of people still using a record player. It's a fact, end of story. As far as forgetting your cell phone in the car oh man what an unforgivable crime that is since no one in the world is capable of forgeting anything anywhere.

All this senseless bitching reminds me of women who have not been laid in a longtime. So you ladies try and understand that it is a movie and and if you want to analyse everything then there is not one single horror movie that doesnt have cliches so get a life.

Re: This was so bad!

'bitches who don't get laid', uh ? so I see the kind of people who like this garbage. great post, dude ! you're gonna end up BIG.

Re: This was so bad!

I just had the pleasure of viewing the movie "The Strangers" last night. I am a huge horror movie fan and very hard to please. I thought this movie was just absolutely thrilling! I am also a fan of "The Grudge". A horror movie has to have one extremely important element, the element of surprise. Granted, you saw every move coming in this flick but, you still got a jolt when things would happen. Horror movies where someone walks around with an axe and whacks people and there's a large splatter of obvious fake blood, are both immature and childish. They are the horror flicks of 13 year olds! Horror movies that can make you jump and don't necessarily have a lot or even any gore are indeed HORROR MOVIES. They are supposed to scare you!!!

Re: This was so bad!

People confused being 'scared' with being 'startled'.

In movies like 'The Strangers', the director uses red herrings and loud noises to startle us, andfor some reasonsome people go home satisfied that they were success7ecfully scared by this horror film.

Take out the melodramatic music and you will be left with nothing. True fear is being SCARED.

scary films:

Rosemary's Baby
Sixth Sense
Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This film is not one of them.

Re: This was so bad!

Worst horror movie EVER MADE

I love horror movies and this was a disgrace to the genre.