You Can't Do That on Television : Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

if they do though, i wonder who they would bring on to be the new stars of the show and if it will still be Canadian-based or not.

Re: Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

They actually did film a pilot for a new YCDTOTV. It was on the documentary they put out a few years ago.

Re: Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

is that the one that brought back Vanessa and Marjorie or the one with the new kids that DND Films did? I've been wondering where that is and trying to find it. plus, I meant one done by Nick itself like they did with Figure it Out.

Re: Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

The one with the old cast members was more of a final episode reunion but there was also one done with brand new kids and none of the old cast. I think DND Films did it as well but it was on the DVD for the YCDTOTV documentary as a bonus.

Re: Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

I hope they don't, because being a modern show, it would suck. The classics never die.

Re: Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

It would be difficult to maintain the level of quality. That's for sure, even the later 1989-90 episodes really watered down the concept. No pun intended.

Re: Hope they'll make a new YCDTOTV like they did Figure it Out.

the video is private. I can't access it.

you have something negative to say, go to and say it there, not here.