Animal Practice : i liked it

i liked it

it's quick and has a pretty good understanding of animals and their humans. Witty without being cheap although wasn't the monkey named after planet of the apes during the preview spots???

Re: i liked it

also bobby lee is amazing in EVERYTHING he does

Re: i liked it

I thought the pilot was very funny. It has a funny cast as well but will critcs b.s. reviews be the early downfall? Reminded me of Scrubs with animals. Justin Kirk also is very funny and still acts alot like Andy from Weeds.

Re: i liked it

to me it seemed a little more edgy and less goody-goody than scrubs, which i support

Re: i liked it

Bobby Lee and Justin Kirk, I'm happy. I even like Taylor Labine. And I think Joanna Garcia is beautiful, would kill to look like her. And the show has a monkey.
What's not to like?
