Arrow : Fellatio Choke

Fellatio Choke

They should have had the balls to actually kill off Fellatio Choke with the machine gun assault. Of course not though, instead they find a magical unrealistic technology that miraculously allows her to walk and make a 100% perfect recovery in no time which is a huge slap in the face to every disabled fan and viewer.

Re: Fellatio Choke

you ain't lying

Re: Fellatio Choke

I found myself rooting for the Black Siren to actually kill her. To bad Ollie had to play the hero.

Re: Fellatio Choke

There is still hope, I'm rooting for Prometheus to kill the entire team and end the series for good

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Re: Fellatio Choke

That twist will explain the whole show LOL

Re: Fellatio Choke

That would be interesting Especially because in the pilot Tommy mentions the ending of Lost. That would be so meta.

Re: Fellatio Choke

I really really really was hoping flashpoint would have had larger ramifications for Arrow. They missed their opportunity. They built in a reset button into the plot of their universe and didn't use it. What a waste.

Re: Fellatio Choke

I don't think think that Felicity should've been killed off in season 4. But, I do agree that her paralysis should have been permanent. It made the character more interesting.

Re: Fellatio Choke

Maybe Ollie wanted to ride dat Ass one more time

Re: Fellatio Choke

First of all - good choice on your post title. I liked the old Felicity from season 1 and 2. Her quirky/geeky behavior, smart-ass but funny comments, her romantic interest in Barry Allen are some of the things I liked about her character. I think that Barry Allen was a better match for her and wish that would have been explored more instead of him always being hung up on Iris.

However, the writers decided to alter her character and turn her into a money grabbing, sleep her way to the top of an organization, arrogant, self-righteous witch. They couldn't make a female character strong by earning a CEO title, which could have been easily done since they already had her back story of attending MIT and being incredibly smart. No instead she hooks up with billionaire Ray and just gets a CEO title handed to her. Then she hooks up with Oliver, which she could have easily given him shares back or control of the company to put it back into the Queen family business but her greedy ass was content with keeping what she didn't earn in the first place.

Then she dumps Oliver because he was trying to protect his son by keeping him secret. After the fake wedding scene where he opens up to Felicity, taking a chance of putting all his emotions on the table to win her back, she officially dumps him forever. When she got up and walked out I really wanted him to yell out to come take her stupid wheel chair out of his place - or chuck the chair at her head. Seriously he should have fired her ass from Team Arrow, which I was hoping would be the case and Curtis take over. I didn't really understand that episode with Curtis being there like they were just trying to tease us into believing Felicity is the only person who can do that job.

They should have left her paralyzed.

Re: Fellatio Choke

You're nitpicking over something like that when that show takes place in a wider universe in which, among other things, there's a guy who can run so fast that he can travel back in time and between universes, there's a group of people who travel through time in a spaceship and one of their allies is a super-powered alien from another universe?

Oh, and let's not forget that one of the members of Team Arrow has supernaturally powered rags as part of his costume.

Re: Fellatio Choke

@Prof_Gotham Yes. I am 100%, no..100000% nitpicking at that. Because ALL that showed is that apparently these showrunners don't think a disabled person can handle the job or be a superhero. Believe it or not, there ARE people out there who watch this show that are in wheelchairs, or have no legs, or are amputee's, who watched this happen and probably thought (with a little smile on their face), "cool. Now there's a superhero who can make a difference in the world that can represent me." Buuuuuuut nope. Literally recovered perfectly an episode later, and THEN REFUSED TO SHARE THIS AMAZING TECH WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD. Literally an entire episode about Queen Bee or whatever the hell that womans name is who was suffering from a degenerative spine who could have probably turned her life around and become a hero with this newfound hope. But no, Felicity is like, "nah I'm the only one who can be cool and walk again. Gotta show off dees man calves o' mine ayyyy WHERES OLIVER HE BETTER BE OBEYING MY EVERY ORDER".

So yeah, I'm a little butthurt about it.

I loved Felicity in season 1 & 2. But whatever hack writers they got for seasons 3-5 have destroyed this show and made these characters unbearable.