Raiders of the Lost Ark : Worst lines from series to say during sex

Worst lines from series to say during sex

From any of the 4 movies.

- "How odd that it should end this way for us after so many stimulating encounters. I almost regret it. Where shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level?"
- "Marion, don't look at it. Shut your eyes, Marion. Don't look at it, no matter what happens!"
- "Do we need the monkey?"
- "I'm making this up as I go."
- "Indy! Cover your heart!"
- "I said no camels. That's five camels!"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"He chosepoorly".

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Throw me the whip!"

"Only the penitent man shall pass."

"Maybe he like older women."

"There were a lot of Marys."

"Too small for two of us!"

"I very little! You cheat very big!"

"Shorty, step on it!"

"I'm not the first woman to sail with these pirates."

"Just like your father, giddy as a schoolboy."

"You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together!"

"Trust me."

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

I think "Shorty, step on it" is the winner here lol

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Just like your father, giddy as a schoolboy."

"Wouldn't it be wonderful if he were here now to see this?"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

We are n-n-not thirsty. frozen.gif

PDBPO LEADER fight3.gif

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

Well.what should we talk about?

It's not the years, it's the mileage

You're not the man I knew 10 years ago.

Oh my god this whole place is slithering.

You bastard I'll get you for this!

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Belloq's staff is too long!"

"Kali ma! Kali ma!"

"I hate fast men!"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

That first one will be tough to beat, Skutter!

"I think I can feel it with my feet."

"We..are DIE!"

"What are you, like, 80?"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

- You lost today, kid, but that doesn't mean you have to like it.
- You keep the girl. I find another.
- That belongs in a museum.
- Savage! You are not in a position to demand anything!
- Ah, that's just my pet snake Reggie.

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

I know, Dad!

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"I WAS the next guy!"

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out

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Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Snakeswhy'd it have to be snakes?"
Lighten up, Francis!

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Hey lady!! You call him Dr. Jones!"
"Hold on, lady, we go for a ride"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

-I'm beginning to understand Hitler's interest in this.

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"(your) staff is too long!"

followed by "digging in the wrong place!"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"There are two dead people in here"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Blow it back to God."

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Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

Bad date

The pen is mightier then the sword

top men are working on it

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex


The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

That's just my pet snake Reggie!

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"I am uncomfortable with this Jewish ritual"!

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"I am uncomfortable with this Jewish ritual"!

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

Not from the movies, but from Fate of Atlantis:

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Well, Goddamn it, Indy. Where doesn't it hurt?" - Marion

"It's beautiful!" - Rene Belloq

"Heil Hitler!" - Toht

"All I have to do is squeeze." - Indy
"All I have to do is scream." - Elsa

"That's my boyfriend!" - Slugger

"There. X marks the spot." - Indiana Jones

"Please: sit down before you fall down." - Rene Belloq

"Ive got a lot of fond memories of that dog." - Indiana Jones

"Uh, whats that supposed to be coming out of there?" - Colonel Musgrove

"Its a leap of faith." - Indiana Jones

"Again, we see there is nothing you can possess which I cant take away." - Rene Belloq

Funny how all these lines of dialogue in the Indiana Jones series can imply sexual references but the one line in the series that actually does imply it was
"She talks in her sleep." - Henry Jones Sr.
Although it can only be said after sex.

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

Short Round: Hey, Dr. Jones, no time for love. We've got company.

Indiana Jones: I'm allowing you to tag along. So why don't you give your mouth a rest. Okay doll?

Short Round: Maybe he likes older women.

Willie Scott: Five minutes.

Willie Scott: I hate the water and I hate being wet and I hate YOU!

Willie Scott: Indiana Jones, this is one night you'll never forget. This is the night I slipped right through your fingers. Sleep tight and pleasant dreams. I could've been your greatest adventure.

Indiana Jones: I've got something for you.
Willie: There's nothing you have that I could possibly want.

Indiana Jones: Ha ha ha! Nice try, Lao Che!

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Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Oh, this can't be happening, this can't be happening. Wake up, Willie, wake up. No!" - Willie Scott

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"Dr. Jones! Don't drink, it's bad! Spit it out!"
"No, Henry - try not to talk."
"Hang on, dad, we're going in!"
"Indy, you must hurry! Come quickly!"
"Get out of there, dad!"
"You can do it - feel inside!"
"YOU feel inside!"
"It's soft It's moving!"

Re: Worst lines from series to say during sex

"I was just a child!"

"I can only say I'm sorry so many times"