Person of Interest : Looking for a new show? Try Westworld

Looking for a new show? Try Westworld

For those of you looking for a new show, I suggest watching Westworld. One of the showrunners is Jonathan Jonah Nolan, co-creator of POI. He has a huge budget, 100 million a season so far.

The acting is excellent. The acting and style of the show compares to the flashback scenes of POI, if you recall how different and how excellent they all were.

Also worth noting are the plot twists and the use of flashbacks.

It is a very adult show, far more than POI, which itself was adult. That could be viewed as a positive or negative.

Re: Looking for a new show? Try Westworld

I am loving Westworld!!! I was a big fan of POI, probably my favorite show in a long while. I really like Game of Thrones, but man, Westworld is so deep. It's really remarkable. Great cast, acting, production.

Re: Looking for a new show? Try Westworld

Don't like WestWorld, But then again I haven't watched any tv show since POI ended.

Re: Looking for a new show? Try Westworld

Try to find "Travelers," a new show by the producer of the Stargate series. A good combination of time travel themes from terminator and 12 monkeys, with a lot of ethical drama similar to PoI in terms of who and what gets saved and why. Currently at episode 10 of the 12 scheduled for the first season. I could tell you where to find it on the interwebz, but then, you know, I'd be trapped in an ethical dilemma of how to cover my tracks. ;-)

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2

Re: Looking for a new show? Try Westworld

Westworld sounds a little too NC17 for my taste.

Writing is my favorite hobby. Writing something that many can enjoy is my favorite dream.

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Re: Looking for a new show? Try Westworld

Yes, it's totally NC-17 really brutal and at times unpleasant.

As for the comment that it is fantasy not sci-fi. It is taking place in the future, technology has progressed a lot since 2016. It is suggested that the park's guest have never seen a humanoid robot before.

Even in POI, the Machine has to become more human in order to stop alienating her human agents. Finch is scared of her, Reese said he doesn't like his boss' boss, Root is upset by her lack of reaction to Shaw's disappearance. In between MIA and Asylum, the Machine becomes much more sympathetic and eager to talk and that's before she gets a voice, a personality and starts waxing philosophical about life and death.

"Westworld" is about tarring that last wall down, making people completely comfortable in the presence of an IA and even loving them.