Girls : YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

Although this show gets worse every year, there's usually at least one (sometimes two) episodes that are great. Used to be four or five.

But we made it, and this is the final season! But the IMDB message board won't be here anymore!

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

LMAO, and how I loved hating the season premiere!

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

I am just shocked how Lena made Hannah even more disgusting than ever in the first episode.

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

Last season to snark about it here. Goodbye derekjager! It was fun chatting on the boards with you, and seeing another cute cat face too.

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

My cat is Wendy and she no longer watches GIRLS; sleeps through it!

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

Guess I'm the only one who doesn't hate watches this show here *shrugs*. Great premiere, BTW

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

I had actually forgotten how lame and disgusting it was. My memory was refreshed 5 minutes in however..

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

Sorry haters, but last season was arguably the best season they've ever had.

Re: YEA! Our last season to hate watch this show!

Of course season 5 was the best season. But it doesn't change the fact that this show, we still enjoy, otherwise we wouldn't watch anymore. Is a joke.