Meryl Streep : Post deleted

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Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

You talk about hateful conservative? Yes, maybe imdb should lock the board

Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

IMBD isn't a political site, tho. The idea that a star's political beliefs would get them banned from this site is pretty silly.

Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

Are you serious? Thank God for the First Amendment!

Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

You know, it's sociopathic behavior with terrible delusions of grandeur to even allow oneself to believe that he's in a position to influence the IMBD and Meryl Streep's profile.

Ask yourself, what would your family, your friends, your boss and co-workers thing if they were to see your posts?

If the answer is unfavorable, and my guess is it would be, than I'd highly recommend you get a reality check before someone else makes that decision for you.

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Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

What a loser.

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Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

I hope you're joking.

Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

They won't delete Hitler's page for Pete's sake, so I doubt they will delete hers

Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

IMDB does not delete profiles. He's just a troll who really needs his ass kicked.

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Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

Yep, and then we cut up lil' ass hole such as yourself into lil' piece and make the most delicious stew.

I've got the pot. Someone bring the nail. Yum Yum

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Re: Just delete her profile already, IMDB!

As if I don't know who you are. Blow me.