Tom Cruise : MI6 News

MI6 News

CM says start shooting in April, says expect some unexpected people to return to the series. Maybe some cast from part I or II or someone that died?

Re: MI6 News

Christopher McQuarrie saying all the right things. The blandness of the Ethan Hunt character always did bug me so its great that he recognises that and is going to attempt to rectify it in the next film. These two make a great team and hopefully they continue to make films together for a long time to come

Re: MI6 News

Please keep a look out for a petition the honest, yet rare, hope that we can get IMDB to NOT cancel the message boards. YesThey are gonna shut them down. I'm heartbroken about this, add are MANY others.
I WISH I knew how to play the link for that petition HERE, BUT I'm a klutz and have no idea how to do it.