Beauty and the Beast : Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

so why was this bland, spoiled feminist twit cast, when she looks like a young pubescent teenage boy? Is that the dubious attraction?

Don't eat the whole ones!Those are for the guests.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

I was thinking the same thing. Stupid little twit, not pretty, and absolutely no charisma.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

You two are the ones who are twits. You have never seen the movie yet and the movie hasn't even come out yet. You never give this film and Emma Watson a chance.

It's called a hustle, sweetheart.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Who cares if she is not pretty (although that's a valid complaint also). The biggest issue is her hideous singing.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

She's not pretty?

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

My opinion is that she's very pretty, very pretty indeed and, from my limited exposure to her singing voice (the trailer/s), I think her voice is lovely. That's my opinion and that's the only opinion that concerns me . Others are more than welcome to have different opinions - that's their prerogative. Opinions are like @r$eholes - everyone has one

Once I've seen the movie, I'll be able to make an informed decision on her performance. Given the movie hasn't been released, I fail to see how anyone can criticise something they haven't seen

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Excuse me, sir. People who went to see the sneak peek in Disneyland California Adventure said that her singing voice is lovely. You obviously haven't seen it yet. Want proof? Here it is.

It's called a hustle, sweetheart.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Yea it's also true that some people don't have an ear for music. There are many people that have voiced their concern about Hermoines horrendous singing.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Bill Condon and Jack Morrissey already said that there was no AutoTune in her voice, and Emma Watson also said that she took singing lessons before taking on the role. But you seem to be ignoring those facts. And you come in here, bashing against her singing, calling other people who love her singing deaf and having a bad ear for music, trying to make them agree with you! Soon, they won't be able to watch the film without you showing them how.

It's called a hustle, sweetheart.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Yea I saw that. But aren't being very attentive to their words. They are specifying no auto tuning. But it's obvious there is other types of digital modification. Just listen to it. Oh, that's right. There is none, she must be a robot.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

By the time people see the movie next month and start saying that Emma sings beautifully, by god, you'll be proven wrong.

It's called a hustle, sweetheart.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Careful you'll make the Hermonie Harry Potter idiots cry..

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

I'm okay here. This is just another pointless pre-release rant post to me on IMDb.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Can't possibly disagree with your taste more. Emma Watson is gorgeous.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

It doesn't matter what she looks like. She's one of the worst actresses around and bound to drag the quality of the film down.

Do you have any talents?
Well, I'm an Alcoholic.

Re: Emma Watson is not even a beauty…

Even with the highly Photshopped promotional pictures of Emma as Belle she looks very plain; I agree this was a bad casting decision made on the desire to cast an A list actor instead of finding an unknown who suits the role better