Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi : Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Personally I would go Obi Wan over them both. As I would see the Boba Fett film being boring and not feeling a Star Wars film. Yoda as cool as it would be to would also be silly basically be a muppets film following him around. But Obi Wan could follow him through 3 different parts of his life in between the films.

As a youngling/Padawan being trained by Qui Gon before Episode I. Then training Anakin before Episode II. Then as a old man watching over Luke before Episode IV so much to fill. And Ewan Mcgregor would still be perfect to they can digitall make him younger and older in the film.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

obi wan. i feel the dame way about yoda film though i would welcome it like 10 years from now.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

So true. The only thing I would like about a Yoda film is possibly the appearance of Darth Plagueis.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

If the Han Solo movie is awesome, chances would be high we would see a Glover Lando standalone film.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Nah that would be stupid and a waste of time. His backstory is already shown abit in Rebels anyways.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Lando in Rebels is about 3 years before A New Hope.
The Han Solo movie is about 11 years prior to A New Hope, so not even close.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Yeah but it would be pointless and dumb. When there are much better film and backstories to be shown. A Vader stand alone film would be good to.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

We got 3 live action films and a 6 season long TV series for Vaders backstory, not to mention Vader in Rebels, Vader in Rogue One and Vader in the original trilogy.

We've had enough Vader.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

So let me get this straight someone with Kylo Ren as there name would rather see a film on lame Lando then Vader. Righto mate righto tell me in any way why you think a film about Lando would be interesting in the slightest.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Who doesn't like Lando?

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Alot of people don't and it would make a boring film. There is so much more depth to Vader Obi Wan and even Boba Fett.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

As of now yes, hence why we would enjoy a standalone film - to give him depth. Those other characters are fleshed out already.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

I hope you are trolling to by the way if not I feel for you.

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Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Obi Wan, for sure.

Boba Fett's appeal is his mystique and i'm not at all keen on seeing Yoda run around with his lil lightsaber.


Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

Obi-Wan is the only one of those three choices that I'd want to see.

Perpetual outrage is the most popular religion today.

Re: Obi Wan,Boba Fett Or Yoda as the Third stand alone film?

I'd prefer Boba Fett.

Whatever you are, be a good one.