Law & Order: Special Victims Unit : Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Although Mariska Hargitay is an executive producer, she is still "just" an actress who is paid to say the lines that are written for her character. She probably has SOME input into the scripts, but this particular one was written by the show runner, so she may or may not have much say. She had to say the lines the way they were written.
I actually feel bad for Mariska. She "knows" her character so well that it must have hurt to have been made to say lines that Benson would never say.
I actually feel bad for Mariska. She "knows" her character so well that it must have hurt to have been made to say lines that Benson would never say.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
As a executive producer and having a lot of pull as the star of the show, wouldn't she have the power to veto some of that. I can just picture it at one of those rallies, where she is speaking and some guy (probably drunk) saying, "So are you planning on railroading more innocent men if they don't say or do what the women want."
I still don't understand how Benson gets to dictate to Barba on whom to prosecute. She has been doing it for the past few years. I thought it was the D.A. who decides if the police have enough evidence, then he (or she) would proceed with the prosecution.
I still don't understand how Benson gets to dictate to Barba on whom to prosecute. She has been doing it for the past few years. I thought it was the D.A. who decides if the police have enough evidence, then he (or she) would proceed with the prosecution.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Mariska clearly has more influence than anyone else over the show, and she can veto whatever the hell she wants. Eid and the other writers are clearly under her control. She isn't playing a fictional character, she is playing herself if she was an SVU cop.
Barba is being written as weak again, it looked like they were making him into a strong DA who had the balls to make unpopular decisions but I guess Mariska didn't like how Barba stood up to Benson at the start of the season so they are writing him as Benson's little bitch again.
It would be hilarious if someone made a joke about this at one of Mariska's rallies, but Mariska would probably have him arrested for rape because a lot of jokes are rape now according to feminazis
Barba is being written as weak again, it looked like they were making him into a strong DA who had the balls to make unpopular decisions but I guess Mariska didn't like how Barba stood up to Benson at the start of the season so they are writing him as Benson's little bitch again.
It would be hilarious if someone made a joke about this at one of Mariska's rallies, but Mariska would probably have him arrested for rape because a lot of jokes are rape now according to feminazis
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
While Hargitay may interject part of herself into the character, it doesn't mean everything the character does or says is something she would do in real life. She knows this is tv. Although people may not like how the show has been, they do try to make it "interesting" enough for a fictional tv show. If that means taking from the headlines(yes, there are people who love stuff like that), they'll do it. But she may get guff, simply because people don't always separate the actor from the role. As for dictating, well, this has been on all the shows. I just saw a couple oldies but goodies from the mothership where Logan & Cerrata are "telling" Paul he has to prosecute. Obviously they cannot make them, but they do try their best to persuade.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Oh please, Mariska is clearly playing herself. She would act the exact same way that Benson acts if she were in charge of an SVU squad. The show is now just a vehicle for her to preach her feminist agenda, which is "arrest all men". She makes all the decisions, tells the writers how to portray characters and what stories to do, and that is why Benson steamrolls everyone because no one will stand up to her just like no one will stand up to Mariska in real life.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
I believe I saw that episode too and Robinette finally relented. The problem is that Benson is doing it almost every week and is also testifying on the stand where Skoda, Olivet, Huang, or someone with a psych degree should be testifying.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Exactly, every week Benson is trying to give Barba orders about what to do and it's like she is his boss and he can't do anything, hell no one in SVU verse can, without the approval of the almighty Olivia Benson.
It does bug me that she testifies as an expert on rape in general instead of just about the specific cases, this is where I miss Huang, he would be qualified to testify about the psyche of victims and perps as a whole cause he is a doctor, Benson isn't qualified to do that. At least Barba had an expert on the stand in episode 2 about the defendants adjustment to life outside of prison, I thought Benson might've become the expert on that as well seeing that she has locked a few innocent people up.
It does bug me that she testifies as an expert on rape in general instead of just about the specific cases, this is where I miss Huang, he would be qualified to testify about the psyche of victims and perps as a whole cause he is a doctor, Benson isn't qualified to do that. At least Barba had an expert on the stand in episode 2 about the defendants adjustment to life outside of prison, I thought Benson might've become the expert on that as well seeing that she has locked a few innocent people up.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Yea, but we unfortunately don't have Huang on anymore.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
I think his character was the one that added clarity (or legitimacy) to the series when it came to psych reasoning of crimes or of a perp's behavior. When Benson tries to do it, she comes off as very non-objective and sometimes out right bias.
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
She had to say the lines the way they were written.
This is not exactly true. She may or may not have read the lines as written, but as Exec Prod she holds a great deal of sway over the storylines and how her character is portrayed. She could easily decide to alter her lines on set during filming and it may be difficult for anyone involved in the show to actually "force" her to stick to the script exactly as written if she chooses to stand her ground.
Shooting has started on my latest movie:
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Oh yeah if the show runner wrote it thats that.
Lose the Game!!!!!!!
Lose the Game!!!!!!!
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
A producer credit is a fake credential that shows give the stars when they've been on it a while. It makes them feel more important and involved. Given that the show is on its 17th year, I'm sure Hargitay has some pull with the plotlines, but they would not let her nix an entire storyline. And I think what occurred in "Imposter" is something that Benson would report. As someone who has worked on rape cases for 17 years, she is inclined to believe victims who are hurting and find some sort of justice. This man was a pig and she wanted him to learn from his actions. I'm unsure of what happened in this episode should be considered rape, it does seem like a bit of a stretch, but I could see Benson pushing the prosecution of this *beep*
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
This man was a pig and she wanted him to learn from his actions. I'm unsure of what happened in this episode should be considered rape, it does seem like a bit of a stretch, but I could see Benson pushing the prosecution of this *beep*
Granted this guy is a pig. But how is this any different than a good looking girl who gets guys to by her drinks at a bar or even worse, gets some men (or suckers) to buy her more expensive items, while dangling that possibility out there, that they may "Get Lucky".
I have a radical solution for this, but it is a bit old fashion. Wait until you are married before you have sex.
The problem with me about Benson is she is losing her objectivity and that is a major prerequisite for a detective.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Being a Pig isn't against the law, and it doesn't make one a Rapist..
The woman consented to sex, case closed it doesn't matter if she consented to sex with one guy who turned into another man she consented.
Honestly I think she was way worse, she was willing to have sex outside her marriage to get her son admitted to a school, Hudson isn't the only school in NY
she was whoring herself out, the guy just wanted to get laid.
Slainte I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.
The woman consented to sex, case closed it doesn't matter if she consented to sex with one guy who turned into another man she consented.
Honestly I think she was way worse, she was willing to have sex outside her marriage to get her son admitted to a school, Hudson isn't the only school in NY
she was whoring herself out, the guy just wanted to get laid.
Slainte I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
We were only discussing the man's deceptive behavior and how I think it is very similar to how a pretty woman manipulates certain guys. Whereas Benson and the writers apparently can not see the distinction and must put the entire blame on the man.
Your opinion is a valid one about the woman, but it seems according to Benson, if she has a good enough reason she is allowed to whore herself out and it is never the woman's fault. In this case it is Hudson University for having too rigid an admissions process, which by the way has got to be one of the lamest excuses for a woman to prostitute herself. I can't believe they couldn't come up with something better.
Is this there social issue of the week they are spotlighting. Indicting the upper educational system, because there should be equal access for all.
Your opinion is a valid one about the woman, but it seems according to Benson, if she has a good enough reason she is allowed to whore herself out and it is never the woman's fault. In this case it is Hudson University for having too rigid an admissions process, which by the way has got to be one of the lamest excuses for a woman to prostitute herself. I can't believe they couldn't come up with something better.
Is this there social issue of the week they are spotlighting. Indicting the upper educational system, because there should be equal access for all.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Now you are just being a moron. Waiting until marriage is the dumbest thing one can do, it may surprise your stupid GOP ass but a lot of people don't even want to get married and having sex is a natural thing, and you shouldn't rush into a marriage just cause you want to have sex. You are truly stupid, there is nothing wrong with having sex outside of marriage, it is natural, there is nothing wrong with it and there is nothing wrong with meeting people in bars/clubs and hooking up with them. People have the right to choose who they want to sleep with, and in this episode the woman wanted to sleep with the man. The solution to the problem would've been to look up the guy online and she quickly would've found out it wasn't him. Or she could've just not been a goddamn helicopter mom and respected her sons wishes about school and stop trying to get him into Hudson by sleeping with an admissions officer. Had she not been a controlling helicopter mom, there would've been no problem and the son never would've taken a header off a balcony.
So stop being a retard and look at the facts, or shut up.
So stop being a retard and look at the facts, or shut up.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Boy you sure are taking it personal. I just mentioned, that is how they used to do things in the "Olden Days", as compared to today's society. I was not endorsing or condemning it (like you are doing so emphatically).
For your information, I am not in anyway associated with most of the GOP fundamentals. But in this case I believe if you are going to sleep with someone, it's your responsibility to accept the consequences. Which we both seem to agree with, concerning the mother.
For your information, I am not in anyway associated with most of the GOP fundamentals. But in this case I believe if you are going to sleep with someone, it's your responsibility to accept the consequences. Which we both seem to agree with, concerning the mother.
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Wow, you really do have a narrow point of view. I am not proud of those instances you mentioned from the "Olden Days", but you didn't have to be a racist, homophobic, or a sexist to make a decision on whether to have premarital sex. Like I mentioned, it's each persons choice.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
The only people who do not have premarital sex are the extremely religious Jesus nuts whose religion forbids it. All sane people have sex before marriage, and it is totally natural. Even if you aren't into hooking up with lots of people, having sex with someone you are dating is natural and the norm. Like I say, only religious freaks don't have sex.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Hey, to each his own.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
God you're such a judgemental prick. You're worse than any religious person.
It's also hilarious to see you talk about sex like you're an expert, when we all know you're a virgin. You're just like those religious people who wait until matriarch to have sex, only you don't do it by choice. Every woman you ever encountered makes that decision for you.
And for the amount of gay bashing you do, you have no right to act like you care about homophobia. Your favorite go to insult is calling someone a stupid lesbian fangirl. You're the definition of a homophobe.
It's also hilarious to see you talk about sex like you're an expert, when we all know you're a virgin. You're just like those religious people who wait until matriarch to have sex, only you don't do it by choice. Every woman you ever encountered makes that decision for you.
And for the amount of gay bashing you do, you have no right to act like you care about homophobia. Your favorite go to insult is calling someone a stupid lesbian fangirl. You're the definition of a homophobe.
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
You know nothing about sex either fat ass.
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
You're a virgin too. Maybe you and Nancy should hook up. Two wastes of life losing each other's virginity to one another.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Nope I'm not a virgin, and you are just jealous of how many women are attracted to me while the only person to ever be attracted to you is your daddy.
It's also pathetic how you have so many sock puppets, you probably forgot to post this under your Dark Knight account. I expect this will be deleted and reposted under that account
It's also pathetic how you have so many sock puppets, you probably forgot to post this under your Dark Knight account. I expect this will be deleted and reposted under that account
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
You're a virgin too. Maybe you and Nancy should hook up. Two wastes of life losing each other's virginity to one another.
You are not the first or even the 10th person who thinks that. There used to be threads dedicated to it. They are definitely cut from the same mold.
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Thanks for the hilarious comment Nancy, I laughed really hard after reading how much you got wrong in that post.
First you say "he/she/it", but then you use the pronoun "her". For the billionth goddamn time Nancy, I am a man. Then you make the funniest claim of all, that I love MH. If you have ever read any of my posts here, you will see that I do not like MH and frequently say that her personal agenda is ruining the show. But you act like I am an MH fangirl.
And once again you are advocating violence. That just shows how you are a sick angry religious fanatic. You worship pedophiles and hates everyone else.
First you say "he/she/it", but then you use the pronoun "her". For the billionth goddamn time Nancy, I am a man. Then you make the funniest claim of all, that I love MH. If you have ever read any of my posts here, you will see that I do not like MH and frequently say that her personal agenda is ruining the show. But you act like I am an MH fangirl.
And once again you are advocating violence. That just shows how you are a sick angry religious fanatic. You worship pedophiles and hates everyone else.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
it's hilarious that she now wants to claim having "3 year olds". She doesn't have one child, let alone more than one!!
I never finish anyth
I never finish anyth
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
I know, fortunately Nancy will never have any children. It's hilarious that she is saying that though.
She is truly the stupidest person I've ever seen online, not to mention a vile and hateful piece of sht
She is truly the stupidest person I've ever seen online, not to mention a vile and hateful piece of sht
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
I have 3 year olds who behave better.
Oh for *beep* sake, Nancy! If you had a child, let alone a couple of 3 year olds, would that not be the Immaculate Conception?
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
You have no children and Xelious does not like Olivia Benson
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
Did you ever use that ploy, Cardinal?
A signature always reveals a man's character and sometimes even his name.-Evan Esar
A signature always reveals a man's character and sometimes even his name.-Evan Esar
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
We just need to get back to discussing the "Imposter" episode.
I know the writers are allowed to stretch the truth a little, it's called "dramatic license". But what prosecutor in his right mind would take this to court and what judge in his right mind allow this in his court.
I forgot all about this, but wouldn't they have to take this before a grand jury? I know the grand jury can indict the proverbial "Ham Sandwich", but would they actually indict this guy for rape?
I have mentioned this before, but this has to be the worst plot line ever for SVU.
I know the writers are allowed to stretch the truth a little, it's called "dramatic license". But what prosecutor in his right mind would take this to court and what judge in his right mind allow this in his court.
I forgot all about this, but wouldn't they have to take this before a grand jury? I know the grand jury can indict the proverbial "Ham Sandwich", but would they actually indict this guy for rape?
I have mentioned this before, but this has to be the worst plot line ever for SVU.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
I did, look at the end of thread.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
I don't know why this would be a problem for Hargitay in her personal causes. She didn't write the script, she just performed the lines that were given to her.
A lot of attention has been given to her being an Executive Producer, but when it comes to her orchestrating shows, she is an EP in title only. A few years ago she maxed out on the salary they could pay her per episode as an actress. To keep her on the show they made her an Executive Producer, which has back end residuals for payments. In otherwords, her increased pay is coming from the syndication of the episodes for which she is an EP. This was a first for Wolf because he has always refused to give 'actors residuals'.
There are a lot of actors that have that same type of contract and are listed as producers or executive producers, it doesn't mean they have any control over the script.
A lot of attention has been given to her being an Executive Producer, but when it comes to her orchestrating shows, she is an EP in title only. A few years ago she maxed out on the salary they could pay her per episode as an actress. To keep her on the show they made her an Executive Producer, which has back end residuals for payments. In otherwords, her increased pay is coming from the syndication of the episodes for which she is an EP. This was a first for Wolf because he has always refused to give 'actors residuals'.
There are a lot of actors that have that same type of contract and are listed as producers or executive producers, it doesn't mean they have any control over the script.
Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
I guess we'll never know for sure who is responsible for that episode, but considering she is a famous spokesperson that champions the cause of women rights as victims. Shouldn't this episode (considering how ludicrous it is) make her job a little harder, since the definition of rape has been changed to include "being lied to".
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
You are correct, she has directed four episodes over the last two seasons. But she also received a separate paycheck for her directing, and probably received additional residuals for directing those 4 episodes. Her EP position is strictly in name only. EP's are not writers, Directors are not writers, she doesn't have any credits for writing any episodes.
You read it here on this board, that doesn't make it a fact. Just like I read on Facebook, Twitter, and the USA Network board that your name is Nancy F. It doesn't make it a fact.
I read that she didn't like the fact that Olivia was drinking so they gave in and cut it.
You read it here on this board, that doesn't make it a fact. Just like I read on Facebook, Twitter, and the USA Network board that your name is Nancy F. It doesn't make it a fact.
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Re: Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?
She's picking a fight with other people in my comment thread.
Ohmahjeebus. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just feel nauseous.
Ohmahjeebus. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just feel nauseous.
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Will this be a Big Problem for Hargitay?